Introduce Yourself : Independent short film maker by Amanda Scotney

Independent short film maker

Hi I'm Amanda, I write produce and direct my short films (shot on video) on a super low budget. At this point in my career I'm not able to pay my cast and crew. They all work on a voluntary basis to gain some exposure for their skills or because they love creating. I feel a great sense of responsibility to promote projects widely and to share what we have created. I'm learning so much as I travel on this amazing journey from image to script to screen. My biggest challenge at the moment is to get my short into some festivals. I've had a few rejections so far and there are so many festivals out there. I know there must be some that are a good fit for my short film but I don't know how to find the right ones. I've had some success with film night and gallery screenings to bring my film to an audience. The search contines.

Armelle Cloche

I admire independent short film maker like yourself, Amanda :) Best of luck growing into your film-making career!

Amanda Scotney

Thanks Armelle. :)

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