Introduce Yourself : Hello and check out my project. by David Damen

David Damen

Hello and check out my project.

Hey Everyone. My name is David Damen //. I am a Director/Cinematographer who edits for a living. I have Directed a few short films my best 2 being "(STRENGTH)" and "The Enemies You Keep." Shortly after both of those films I Co-Directed and DP'ed the feature film "Simple Moves" and after that DP'ed a feature called "Dark Fate." I love working as a DP more than anything. I am currently working on my next film "New York I Love You, But you're freaking me Out!" with your help we can make it happen. All you have to do is click the link below, rate it using the stars (you can login using facebook), and follow it. That's all, who knows maybe you will be on the cast or crew.

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