Ok so as a director is it excusable to commit mistakes? Goofs, errors, whatever you like to call it. Big directors for some reason do it all time on the big screen :D
I think you answered your own question buddy ;) :) lolo it is common. Just don't get that mixed up entitled ment. Either way don't worry you're fine man:)
Take into account this. Can actors make mistakes? Can musicians make mistakes? Can camera operators make mistakes? They shouldn't, but honestly it is expected as long as it isn't a consistent problem. Art without mistakes wouldn't be art at all, and computers could do it on their own. That is what makes the flesh and blood of all art forms.
Hello. "Mistakes/Goofs/Errors" are almost always seen by the keen movie watchers. Continuity errors are the most pointed-out mistakes on any given film. The movie "Prancer" had the Reindeer without his harness on his last close-up scene, but the kids that went to the theaters to see this PG-13 movie did not notice. The Editor was quoted as to say that there was no more footage/coverage to( at that time of celluloid film) 'cut-and-paste" a similar close up of Prancer's face. I just watched a French movie DVD via Netflix last week where the girl's cigarette was half-smoked, but exactly 7 seconds later, next scene, the cigarette was just lit, two inches longer. Animal House has the chalkboard with the word "Satan" written differently in the next scene( Donald Sutherland as the Teacher). The list could go on and on, but the bottom line is that the errors left behind the "locked" film are largely attributed to the Editing process, and scheduling. If there is not much time remaining, the "minor" errors will be left just as that. Many cinema fans like catching these "errors". Me personally? I catch almost all errors myself, trying NOT to make the same errors in my short movies. But I still made similar ones nevertheless!!!
I think you answered your own question buddy ;) :) lolo it is common. Just don't get that mixed up entitled ment. Either way don't worry you're fine man:)
so if its not noticeable then all good. just not major ones lol
Yes sir plus of course don't tell us before hand or thats all will look for again you're fine man:)
What kind of mistakes, goofs, errors, whatever you like to call it are you talking about?
Take into account this. Can actors make mistakes? Can musicians make mistakes? Can camera operators make mistakes? They shouldn't, but honestly it is expected as long as it isn't a consistent problem. Art without mistakes wouldn't be art at all, and computers could do it on their own. That is what makes the flesh and blood of all art forms.
Hello. "Mistakes/Goofs/Errors" are almost always seen by the keen movie watchers. Continuity errors are the most pointed-out mistakes on any given film. The movie "Prancer" had the Reindeer without his harness on his last close-up scene, but the kids that went to the theaters to see this PG-13 movie did not notice. The Editor was quoted as to say that there was no more footage/coverage to( at that time of celluloid film) 'cut-and-paste" a similar close up of Prancer's face. I just watched a French movie DVD via Netflix last week where the girl's cigarette was half-smoked, but exactly 7 seconds later, next scene, the cigarette was just lit, two inches longer. Animal House has the chalkboard with the word "Satan" written differently in the next scene( Donald Sutherland as the Teacher). The list could go on and on, but the bottom line is that the errors left behind the "locked" film are largely attributed to the Editing process, and scheduling. If there is not much time remaining, the "minor" errors will be left just as that. Many cinema fans like catching these "errors". Me personally? I catch almost all errors myself, trying NOT to make the same errors in my short movies. But I still made similar ones nevertheless!!!