Anything Goes : A short post on my film - EKANTH by Amit Mehra

Amit Mehra
Amit Mehra

Thank you :) Not the mud, but the Gas leak disaster thanks to an irresponsible company called Union Carbide. The city has recovered since even though people affected by it are still suffering. It's a beautiful place and a hub for great talent.

Amit Mehra

Thanks Karen :)

Julian Nabunya

how can i watch over the trialer , clicking on this link above , see the post about the film . @ Amit

Julian Nabunya

ok thanks @ Jacqueline ,

Jim Layes

Looks Great. Even though it's not in English, but you can feel and see what was going on.

Chad Foreman

It would have been nice if the trailer gave us a clue as to what the movie was about. I like the music and the idea of the story, but it didn't interest me enough to watch the movie. Sorry if that's not what you wanted to hear but you asked for feedback and so I figured an honest opinion would be more helpful.

Amit Mehra

Thank you Julian, Jim and Chad for your feedback. Yes, Chad i do appreciate your honest feedback. It helps me grow and give a better shot next time :)

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