it seems as of late that news came about hollywood finally making a move out of...hollywood,and one such destinations is AZ(even though NM NY GA or on this list),where i currently reside.should i still make the bold move and go to hollywood or play the waiting game like i have till the time is right for them to finally show up on our doorstep again?they avoided this state because of politics that our state decided to revoke the tax incentives for films to save money and create jobs for working actors and filmakers in our state(our state isnt very bright in pro choices) but times change as well as opportunities,tell me what all of you think,especially arizonians,i have built alot of good connections here and dont want to start all over again so im open to any and all feedback!
Do it! Go to Hollywood. Make new connections, new opportunities, a new chapter.
There are a lot of great places to do film. One of the new hot spots is Detroit Michigan. New York built new studios on the Brooklyn waterfront and are supposedly adjusting fees to get more filmming done here. North Carolina is another hot spot, Atlanta as well. Hollywood is overrated for filmmaking because indie films made in a year should easily outnumber the films greenlit in Hollywood in the same calender year. Maybe I'm bias as an independent.
Martyn, statistically far more films are made in the States by independent filmmakers than by "Hollywood". Local investors get tax breaks in their individual States. I know Australia and France and Germany offer support to local filmmakers. Does the UK not do that?
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Cinespace Chicago Film Studio started operation a couple years ago and still not fully completed but when it is finished and having 1.5 million feet, Cinespace will be the largest soundstage outside of Hollywood in the US. It is attracting a lot of filming lately and seems to keep growing. Cinespace Chicago is the second Cinespace film studio, the first is in Toronto. Chicago's other but smaller film studio is Chicago Studio City located in the Austin neighborhood. Chicago is going back to it's roots in film making. You can check it out here
That's too bad, Martyn. Here in the States there are so many options for independent filmmakers. Granted, most people prefer "Hollywood" product but there are thriving, expanding vibrant independent filmmaking communities all over the country.
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Worked on my first movie in AZ -- Campus Man filmed @ ASU love AZ!