Anything Goes : Singing at the Whiskey A Go Go by Morgan Lambert

Morgan Lambert

Singing at the Whiskey A Go Go

Ok I was asked to become the lead singer for the youth rock band “Driven” when they lost their lead singer. They are playing March 17th at the Whiskey A Go Go in LA. It’s a concert to to raise funds for kids that want to take music lessons but can't afford it. Legendary guitarist Robby Krieger from “The Doors” and Authur Barrow bassist for Frank Zappa will be their too. It’s a $20 donation to attend and I have uploaded a flyer in my photos on stage 32. This is a first for me and I hope I don’t fall of the stage

Daniel F. Rodriguez
awesome Morgan! Check my twitter@danieljohnasher account!
Devorah Lynne Dishington

It is a big stage, so I doubt you will fall off, unless you drink too much! ;) Enjoy! >^.,.^<

Dianna Chycki

That's great news! Good luck!

Morgan Lambert

LOL :) I'm only 13 so I don't think I will fall off because of drinking.... Heart failure maybe.... lol

Adam C. Fisk

Okay; when I was 13, I was playing air guitar to Journey in my bedroom, lol...

Amanda J Asquith

Congrats Morgan. Awesome work. I'm part of an organisation called Next Level Generation Performing Arts Company. We run our classes in dance, drama and singing for free so that young people have access to the performing arts. We began in Sydney in 2003 and our HQ is still there. We also have a base in NYC, so let me know if you head east - would love to connect. All the best for the gig :-)

Devorah Lynne Dishington

Well, Morgan, with teens today, you never know! ;) But, I was playing on these stages at 13 too, so enjoy the experience ( BUT, watch for the monitors, they can be extremely hard to hear!!! ) Hugs, and best wishes! >^.,.^<

Mark Kedzior

See your that much closer to being famous...told Good luck to you. Would stop by if I was not so far away. Sure you will do great! Mark

Mike Chinea

Congrats! You'll do great.

Karen Costa

Take life by the horns,. Chance to have a great time ..Take it there few and far between. Good Luck!

Karen Costa

Oh your 13, life is fun ! let your dad/mum take life by the horns just enjoy well done to you!

Keri Johnson

That was one of my favorite stages to perform on. Have fun!

Gustavo Sampaio

What time?

Marquita Terry

That's amazing Morgan!! YAY!!! Congrats! FANTASTIC headshot, btw!! ;) SO happy to see you doing well, you're super talented!

Gregory Moss

That's great, Morgan. Break a leg! (not literally of course) :)

Matt Milne

wonderful, Morgan, go for it. think of the people you're helping, and it will be ok.

Denise Cruz-Castino

That's awesome! Congrats! You'll do awesome!

Lew Riley

Hey, Morgan, if I weren't doing something already, I'd be at the Whiskey in a flash to see "Driven" and Robby Krieger. Hey, every day, I watch The Doors do "Light My Fire" from their classic Hollywood Bowl Concert. It gets my creative juices flowing even more than 5 Hour Energy! By the way, I'm a screenwriter who just finished a script, "Face The Music," about a girl who can sing like Taylor Swift, but who is crippled by stage fright. She vows to overcome her phobia when a new boy, who looks like Joe Jonas, joins her older bro's band. If you're interested, I could e-mail you the logline and synopsis. And Good Luck on St. Paddy's Day!

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