Right i have done my script, now I will need a actress roughly 6-9 yrs old for a trailer I want to do. but its about a child killer that kidnaps kids and kills them (which anything to do with kids is touchy subject) but I'm doing it like a psychological thriller, no graphic images whatsoever. but how am I going to recruit someone of that age? Anybody know? will young actresses want to do this? it will put there skills to the test mind you...
yeah, I just dont know where to find young actresses of that age anywhere :(
is there a site i can go on?...young actresses of that age are harder to find it would appear
you may want to concetrate on the adults in the traler not the child so as to minumise any negative reactions
intresting thing i'd want to see , i just hope the script has a reason good enough to let us know why this kid ,girl, actor kid naps and kills other kids . i wish you the best Leon .
mm I see tabitha but I'm going to have to do it sadly, thing is i need funding for the film and this trailer will have to be on a very low budget until i get funders. Theres a scene i can do which is in the cellar with the killer and one of his victims. I cant afford to have a mixture of locations in the script but i could refurbish just ''A'' room into a cellar of horrors kinda style for suspense.
mixture of locations in the trailor i mean
its an adult that kidnaps and kills kids julian and yes it will be explained :)
ok that sound great , i thught other wise .
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LAcasting.com Breakdownexpress.com Nowcasting.com There are non-union child actors there. Or if your film is SAG, they have that as well. You can also go to Cazt.com and they have their own studios where you can audition people at. Good luck! -JR
Please tell me the killer dies in the end.
I think this is child exploitation of the worse kind! I will never endorse such a project, psychological thriller or not, that glamorizes violence, uses children and promotes child exploitation and violence. Go find yourself something more creative to do, and if you cannot go do something else to make a living! Enough already!
Leon, I own a talent agency, and there are plenty of kids who would jump at this opportunity. Please msg me and I will get you some info. :)
I respect your opinion Nora, i understand that a few people don't like seeing kids being killed...(even though my film wont show it,but just indicate it) society nowadays are too scared of showing what actually happens in real-life. This movie is mostly the story of a detective on the case with a murderer(like Dexter) that has reformed and helps catch this killer that is of the worst kind.My research has gone from electro-shock therapy,drugs and i have also looked into child-killers like the monster of the andes (Pedro Lopez) of Ecuador. I am not deranged, I have babysat for a friends kid who has extreme autism,I am caring by nature and don't have a kind of 'hatred'. but what frustrates me the most is how we are expected to live in a bubble of denial, where we have to pretend that everything in life is rosy,crime-free and perfect. The adrenaline of hatred towards the killer from the audience will make them interact with the film. The reformed Killer in this has killed his someone he loved but when he is transformed into a being that feels empathy for fellow human-beings i want to show his quest for good and in search for forgiveness.
@Darren well in my script he gets caught and he gets interviewed at the police station, where the audience get to see how his mind works, but if you want i could add a few more scenes where he does :P
cool, i dont mind being CRB checked :). i haven't broken the law once :P. mind you i was a trouble-maker when i was younger lol, im only 22 (turning 23 on March 25th)
that's what i thought, the dialogue i have put into the child-killers mouth is from actual words from the Pedro Lopez(serial killer) that murdered about 300 young girls in Ecuador, just for authenticity.
Hello Leon, this explains it a little more. I am not one of those people who think these things do not happen. I did mention that my film is about child trafficking, mistreatment and forced child labor, I am also launching a film festival for Socially Relevant Films (that have something thing to say...) What I object to is SHOWING violence on screen, because that makes it banal and renders people insensitive towards it, all the while breeding more of it. By showing a child killer I am worried that it promotes that image instead of showing how terrible that can be. Of course all depends on how it is treated. However, there are too many examples of films that are full of violence and killing under the guise of being films that are showing supposedly how terrible it is. The damage is done by just showing it, regardless of how the image is editorialized. That is where I am coming in. Of course these things exist, and of course they need to be addressed but carefully without promoting more of the same... Thank you
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Oh i understand that Nora, Dont worry i wont show anything like that, it will take on the effect as Silence of the Lambs. You dont see what buffalo Bill does but you get an insight to his mentality. Hope that answers it :D xx
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i don't see any problem in making child killer character , unless if you don't have a reason to justify it , but if other wise, can't object it , why ? because there is always some one or some thing to blame once a child does a mistake , it could be the community , parent [family ] or biologically issue . so why not to caution them and prevent other kids from falling that side ?