I don't know about all of you but I know for me; I love it when I find myself up against a roadblock in my writing, be it writing, finding time to write, even better finding reasons to write. So there I was last night finding myself on twitter in the wee hours of the morn, because I was stumped, confounded by what I thought was good ole fashioned writers block when it hit me. I have been working on my current sci-fi script for months now and I have yet to finish the dialogue, the story is fleshed out everything is ready to go ...I've just been caught in the snare of the dialogue. 3 a.m. and I realized it's not writers block that's keeping me from writing , it is the fear that my dialogue will not be as good as my story. I always feel like a fool when this happens, because all I needed to remember was that I just needed to start writing and the dialogue would sort itself out , with every revision and rewrite the words on the page would meet the metal of the story and it will evolve into the script it was meant to be. Good , great, even better I just have to remember to write , keep writing and the words will come, they always do. Any-who that's my meandering thoughts on writers block. I do so enjoy it when my thoughts surprise me and remind me of lessons learned. I ended up writing a good 30 pages last night #ftw
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That's my story to a tee...I completed my novel about a year ago and have used the excuse that I am in final edit mode for fear of going 'live' despite some wonderful reviews to date. Can't bring my self to pull the trigger in fear of the dreaded 1-star review.
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Good for you, Jason! I think this happens to most writers. We're afraid of not reaching our own expectations of what we imagine in our mind. Sometimes when I'm having trouble with dialogue or mostly with character development, I guess, I'll write a couple of scenes that aren't relevant to the story. I'll throw a couple of the characters into a situation and just write. From there, they begin to mold themselves and I get a better understanding of the characters' mindsets and personalities.