Like all you need to do to be a screenwriter is to add it to your signature block? Seriously, just because you can write a line of dialog or worse yet have a great idea for a movie, that doesn't make you a screenwriter. You actually have to know how to write for the screen and have done it....over and over again. Case in point, a quick way to tell if a movie is going to be bad is to just look for the credit, 'written and directed by'. :) So why are are there all these, 'Actor and Screenwriters', 'Producer and Screenwriters', 'Craft Services and Screenwriter'?... well the last one may be true :) To exaggerate a little, it's like saying 'Chef and Heart Surgeon', both actually take skill and practice and even an education. Just because you put it in your signature block doesn't make it true. P.s. believe me having it in your signature block isn't going to get you hired as a screenwriter.