Introduce Yourself : Opening the door now... by Ron Horton

Ron Horton

Opening the door now...

For the past 15 years my interest in writing has proliferated. With one book and three screenplays in my pocket I’m currently working on screenplays #4 and 5. Shortly after starting my first screenplay class I found the Willamette Writers of Portland, OR. This group has a wonderful conference that has been a wealth of information and inspiration. A screenwriting conference in LA inspired me to attend one year. The contacts I made there were also invaluable. It is my plan to develop the right screenplay for the right producer, and it will be within the next two years. With screenplays that focus on drama and the unseen world, both of which I consider myself well versed in, the feeling is my plan continues on track. Screenplay number one placed in the quarter finals of a national competition and has received very favorable reviews from readers since. There are producers on both the East and West coast who have asked to see whatever I write. This in itself is very encouraging and boosts my confidence level even higher. Stage 32 is one more arrow in my quiver that will help my plan to reach its target.

Noë Lee

Thanks for the tip on Willamette Writers! I have been aware of them for years but have never checked them out. I just did and joined them immediately.

Ron Horton

Good for you. Say hi to Cynthia and Bill for me. There are many others but that's a start. :)

Noë Lee

Don't know who they are yet, but I'm sure I soon will.

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