Acting : Demo by Stephanie Wulfe

Stephanie Wulfe


Updating my demo and curious if you really need a different vo demo for every genre.

Bruce Abels

Absolutely, Stephanie. I currently have a Commercial and Narration demo, but want to break into promos and trailers. Gotta have a demo. Producers, casting directors and agents will not take you seriously without demos for each specific genre. Best of luck!

Stephanie Wulfe

Thanks Bruce, just wanted to check that all markets are requesting separate demos. Appreciate the reply.

Mary McDonald

I don't know if you have demos up on ACX, but as an author looking for a narrator for my books, I can't tell you how frustrating it is to find someone with a voice that sounds promising, but all their demos are commercial work. I need to know how the sound as a characters. I just figure the people with commercial only demos aren't interested in narrating books--it is a large time commitment, but then I wonder why they put demos on a site specifically for audiobooks.

Dana Abram

Yes, it is important if you want to sell your sound for the particular genre. As Mary McDonald said.

Stephanie Wulfe

Mary, could I send you a voice demo I have with several voice samples on it to get your opinion?

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