Screenwriting : Coverage/Analysis by Lou Agins

Lou Agins


I've used the Writer's Store, Script Quack, and Screenplay Readers. Does anyone have another company they would recommend that's good and relatively inexpensive? Doe anyone have a comment pro or con regarding these companies and their coverage/analysis?

Kriss Sprules

I have limited time, but I'm happy to give it the once over free of charge so long as you're not in a desperate rush (it'd probably be a two week turnaround)

Chris Perham

I've given this guy a couple of my scripts and he's really good with a quick turnaround. It's not true coverage, but it's about four pages of comprehensive notes.

Patrick John Thies

I'm looking for the same thing as well! Anyone know of any solid coverage services. and/or script consultants?

Michael A. Wright

You can always try Talentville. It's peer reviews, but I found that with enough of them, you get a good idea of what's lacking/not working for your script. You have to review other writer's stuff to earn "Talent dollars" and then you can purchase reviews for your own stuff. It's a great site and I've found that it really helps to polish my work!

Lou Agins

I'm on Talentville. I agree that some of the peer reviews can be informative, however, some are not. Some miss the boat entirely, and not just because they say I suck; I already knew that...I'd rather spend a few dollars and get a pro's opinion. As I mentioned, I've used the Writer's Store, Script Quack, and Screenplay Readers. I think they all have their merits and I was just looking for others opinions. I have a re-write ready and need to have it read. The original I've entered in contests and did well, didn't win, but did well. I've redone the whole thing. I have another screenplay and a tv drameda I also need read, but one project at a time.

Lou Agins

I think I'm going to do the Table Read My Screenplay. Pay the 50 bucks to enter and have it reviewed. Maybe I'll get lucky...

Lou Agins

At the risk of sounding ignorant, what is Triggerstreet? Is it worthy? And I might add I did have a review from someone quite knowledgeable on TV.

Leonard Benedetto

I would suggest ME. I've been working as a reader/story analyst going on 20 years. Have done work for several people from here. You can check them for references and contact me for rates and resume. one suggestion, when you look for coverage/notes, DON'T go with a 'company' - go with an individual. When you use a website that have a 'staff' of readers, only a portion of your fee is going to the one actually doing the work. the rest is going to the website - so why not get full value of your payment. And the amount paid to the readers on some of these websites is a joke - as low as 30% of the fee.

Patrick John Thies

Thank you everyone for your input! I'm going to check this out. I have one short ready and a feature 1st draft complete (I want to polish it before i send it to a coverage service though lol)

Reid Webber

I would recommend Joey Tuccio at The Happy Writers. He has provided excellent Coverage service on several of my scripts.

MJ Gavin

I met Corey Mandell at a pitchfest, I felt he had some very intriguing pieces of feedback.

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