Introduce Yourself : Hello Everyone. by JoAnn Pinkney Wilcox

JoAnn Pinkney Wilcox

Hello Everyone.

Hello, my name is JoAnn Pinkney Wilcox. I am an Animator that creates in 2D, 3D, as well as Claymation, Modeling, Storyboards, Script Writing, and Maquettes, as well as a film/video Editor. I am also an Animator and Editing Production Instructor for a University as well as my own school. I am currently looking for Animation and Editing Projects to be a part of. I am happy to be here.

Chris Ephriam

Wow that's so cool! Nice to meet you JoAnn!

JoAnn Pinkney Wilcox

Thank you very much Chris...Yours is great as well...

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