Thought you all would be interested in this! Lin Shaye talks a little about the process of creating her character "Claire da Loon" in Sedona.
Thought you all would be interested in this! Lin Shaye talks a little about the process of creating her character "Claire da Loon" in Sedona.
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This is great! So glad you posted. I was in Sedona last April (for my book release of a novel set in Arizona) and saw posters everywhere for this movie. I really want to see it. Absolutely love it in Sedona and can see why people live there.
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as a character actor this really resonated with me! Looks like a lovely film!
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I woke this morning and watched it on iTunes. A wonderful film of fate that makes me want to return to Sedona. I can already tell I'll be blogging about this one. So glad I came across this on Stage32 last night. Must be that 'fate' thing again! Great job, Tommy.
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Really excellent, really inspiring. Thank you!