Financing / Crowdfunding : Crowd Funding by Ann C Wolf

Ann C Wolf

Crowd Funding

Does anyone have any success stories with crowd funding and more importantly how much did you have to rely on the contacts you already had.

Jim Merchant

My recent campaign for "Psychotica" on Indiegogo was successful at reaching our modest goal of $3500. Off the top of my head I think about 2/3 of the contributors were people we knew, but 2/3 of the funds contributed came from strangers. The majority of the people we didn't know who contributed were people we connected with on twitter. I would advise building as large a following as possible on the social networks before you start. We had a small following at the beginning and found it hard to get any momentum going.

Warren Weisman

Agreed, I've heard anywhere from 20-30% of your goal should be in the bag before starting a crowdfunding campaign. And as Jim said, Twitter probably the most important connection tool. I couldn't guess at the cut-off, but probably need upwards of 10,000 followers maybe? I tried it with just a few hundred and didn't get a single dollar from people we didn't know. And I committed the cardinal sin of taking contributions off-line so others couldn't see it in our total.

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