Just wanted to start a discussion on Stage 32 about all the different types of scriptwriting software out there and which is best for each kind of storyteller. You can also state which has better: value, interface, ease-of-use, tools, extras, online capabilities... etc. EXAMPLES: Final Draft, Celtx, Scrivener, Script it!, Plotbot, Movie Magic, Fade in... (others? others??) I'm sure this has been a topic before, so if you know of a previous thread, please LINK IT in comments below! Add in your personal favorites and reviews. I'd especially love to hear from those who have compared 2 or more programs and can note the biggest differences. Thanks! -JP
To start, I've asked many people what the differences are between Celtx and Final Draft especially because FD is too often stated as the "only" choice in quality software. Celtx is free with great tools and online sharing capabilities and is so easy to use. I often try to utilize every free or cheap resource I can when it comes to filmmaking (we all know it can be a costly career move or hobby), and having become accustomed and delighted with Celtx, I've never went to the lengths to buy Final Draft. Opinions on the two??
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pencil, paper and a supply of erasers. these are all soft on the wallet. after using these tools move to WORD or OpenOffice. The woop-de-do software... gets in the way of telling a simple story. once the story is written, get celtx. free and easy. ignore the fancy nonsense on the market. i recommend writing your story as a short story then go to screen form. bugger the rules. also, buy a cheap movie camera.
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I use Final Draft. I can honestly say that the software saves an enormous amount of time. It structures your screenplay properly from the beginning, and also provides many useful features like character reports, location reports, etc. My recommendation is to use what's available to you. BUT, if you have the option of software, use it. Anyone who recommends writing in Word probably didn't want to spend the time learning how to use it, or doesn't really know the benefits. Best of luck.
I believe there is no "should" or "better" or "best" when it comes to writing. Writers each have their own, personal, method. No method is "better" and no writer "should" follow a specific method.
Movie magic 6. I converted from fd.
Tried them all. CELTX is fine & free, or buy something (or Pirate?). The final product is always the same -- a SCREENPLAY!!!
I would definitely recommend Final Draft, it's easy and intuitive, plus they have an Ipad app ( if you use Ipad). You can also save as a Pdf and email script that way. A software that I would say to avoid is the Save The Cat software which I think is fairly weak ( sorry STC fans - let me know what you did like about it, and I'll revisit).
Final Draft seems to be the go to for most writers in the industry. I've used it from day one. I've tried a couple of others, but didn't care for them. Final draft also includes templates for TV and scene, character, and location reports. I also must say that I receive a lot of screenplay submissions that are not formatted correctly, and are difficult to read. I used to think that a screenplay was a screenplay, and that only the writing mattered. I think much differently now. I will not read a screenplay unless formatted correctly.
Having Movie Magic, Final Draft and Celtx, Movie Magic is by far, the easiest to use. While Final Draft users tend to toss about the "industry standard" talking point, MM is much smoother. Help is better. Files are smaller. And if you're adding foreign characters accents, you don't have to leave the program to insert those. Also, in the new Windows machines FD's read the dialogue feature only works with one voice. I write in MM and if producers insist I work in Final Draft after the first draft. Ultimately, have both. But once you work in MM, it's hard to go back.
Hi Jess, I use Screenwriting Pro. It's free and I write on line and save the files to my desktop. Here's the website to create an account: All the best to you in your Career, Janet :) https://www.screenwritingpro.com/signin
It's great Linda, All the best, Janet :)
meh - Final Draft - just do it!
I personally use Celtx... It was Free...
Final Draft = Good!.. Movie Magic= Brilliant!.. But That's my opinion.. Like everyone else who's posted, everyone has their own favourite..
Using Final Draft and so far, love it! Haven't used others, so don't have anything else to compare.
That's great advise you guys for especially for those that don't know about it. Good subject too Jess I like subjects that I can get useful information out of.
Yay, I'm glad- thanks Lina!