Screenwriting : Best way to get feed back on scripts by Ty Stone

Ty Stone

Best way to get feed back on scripts

Hello, I write screenplays as well as direct, but I was wondering where is the best place to start to get my scripts read. What are some good festivals to start out at. Thank you

Padma Narayanaswamy

You can post your script on Zoetrope and other websites

Vonnie P. Davis

Zoe ( - is Francis Coppola's site -- has a system where you read/review four scripts of other screenwriters there and then post one of yours for review. But, the range of readers is from published writers to newbies. I noticed the experts there seem to select the good scripts to read/review... Many at Zoe just enter the popular festivals.

David Ashutosh is a good one. I like the community there a bit more than zoetrope typically which can seem more Independent in a dark way somehow to me, but I have enjoyed elements on both. Trigger Street I think is another site. I haven't been on it much. Those places will get scripts read and commented on by other writers and/or people interested in the craft who are aspiring and you can piece together their feedback and evolve. Plus developing friendships with other writers/aspiring writers who like to talk craft is a good thing.

David Ashutosh

Talentville has a monthly contest. Zoetrope I think does quarterly or something.

Vonnie P. Davis

Zoetrope has one contest a year. May enter my comedy in next one there.

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