Screenwriting : Writing is hard work! Share yo… by DavidandMaggie Bean

DavidandMaggie Bean

Writing is hard work! Share yo…

Writing is hard work! Share your good and bad experiences: a finished project, a success story, re-writes, edits, bad reviews and rejections. Everything and anything.

Kriss Sprules

Selling is hard work. Writing is easy.

DavidandMaggie Bean

Selling is easy! :-D

DavidandMaggie Bean

Sorry for the delay in responding. Dan, I'm a marketer from way back. Selling/Pitching comes easy for me. I don't pay any attention to "nos," and I've never listened to anyone who "suggested I do something else for a living." This is what I (we) do. My husband and I publish books, write screenplays and commercials. Is everyone going to like our product? Hell no. But someone will. :-D ~Maggie

Kriss Sprules

See David, I'm a marketer from now. I can pitch all day, but people aren't buying like they used to. That's as true in this business as any other - I've worked with some big companies, but pitching Hollywood makes pitching Fortune 500s look like selling ice water to a dying man in the Sahara.

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