Introduce Yourself : Hi! I'm Rick Haymes...nice to meet you. by Rick Haymes

Rick Haymes

Hi! I'm Rick Haymes...nice to meet you.

Through the years I have been motivated by actors like Newman, Stewart, Nicholson, Eastwood, Hopkins and other greats who brought their characters alive to connected with audiences. After a career in pharmaceuticals I began acting in 2008 and since then has appeared in nine feature films and over thirty-five short films. I have received seven best actor awards for two different multi award winning films. Acting as a second career is well underway and I look forward to opportunities to entertain and delight audiences throughout the world. My goal is to portray characters with honesty and empathy to elicit the appropriate audience response and move the storyline forward. I am serious and dedicated to learning and practicing my craft and continually seek to understand the human mind and condition so I can represent my characters authentically and passionately. I want to build a resume of memorable, entertaining and relevant characters and stories that touch, delight and sustain my audience's need for entertainment and enlightenment.

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