Introduce Yourself : Runways, Reels and Rugby! by Dazjah Tinsley

Runways, Reels and Rugby!

I am a 9-year-old whose parents moved me to Kuala Lumpur. I have been on set in two continents and am looking for more opportunities. Whether you need a great personality on the runway or in front of a camera (for film or print) I fit the bill. Oh, did I mention that I am also an aggressive rugby player?? I have a ferocious tackle!

Aaron Kaplan

If you live in the Dallas area, we could possibly include you in a music video which is to be shot around middle of June.

Dazjah Tinsley

WOW! We aren't currently scheduled to be back in the states until November, but I would love to keep in contact.

Aaron Kaplan

It is pleasure dear Dazjah to be connected. Absolutely please keep in touch. God Bless you, Aaron

Elizabeth English

Dazjah, fabulous credits and great that you're marketing your talents. Please contact me (or, better yet, have an adult in your family, or your agent, contact me) at My film, THE WAYFARER, to be shot in Thailand, will need a young girl to play a blind orphan, who also plays Thai soccer! ~~Cheers, Elizabeth

Aaron Kaplan

Elizabeth, Dazjah is definitely talented and adorable and reminds me of one of my adopted grandchildren. If I had any part in connecting you with her, I feel very blessed. Good luck to you, Aaron

Elizabeth English

Thanks, Aaron! ;o)

Richard "RB" Botto

Love your spirit, Dazjah. Your success is much deserved.

Marylin Hebert

Got a cute reality blog short? attn FINISHED CONTENT that needs distribution TV channel. No fees. Just share in the traffic flow. Better than youtube. Get rated by Neilson and be associated with dish network. will be launching soon and is seeking finished content: shorts, web series, cooking shows, comedy, stand up, DJ, reality shows, creative personality series, fashion behind the scenes, music and films. Be part of the new wave of filmmakers having success instead of waiting to get names for a network deals. put subject note: referral from Marylin to Good luck. Quality content is needed.

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