Introduce Yourself : Writing in RI. by Chris Willis

Chris Willis

Writing in RI.

Hello all, I am a screenwriter based outside of Hollywood (a continent outside in Rhode Island on the East coast). I write mostly character based dramas about people with some underlying psycho-pathology (anger, abandonment, PTSD, etc.). I am also a psychologist, which has provided grist for the character mill for many years. My most successful venture was a script called "Reasonably Crazy," which won a couple of contests in 2011. My most recent script is a war story / father-son reconciliation tale called "Human Terrain." I love to write. I even love the re-write process. It's the marketing of my work that challenges me the most. ...pleased to meet you all.

Shauna Brock

hi there :)

Marylin Hebert

We'd like to take a look at your film for our channel. Filmmakers for other filmmakers. Would love to put your film as exclusive for a launch. Working with Louisiana International Film Festival and other partners. attn FINISHED CONTENT that needs distribution TV channel. No fees. Just share in the traffic flow. Better than youtube. Get rated by Neilson and be associated with dish network. will be launching soon and is seeking finished content: shorts, web series, cooking shows, comedy, stand up, DJ, reality shows, creative personality series, fashion behind the scenes, music and films. Be part of the new wave of filmmakers having success instead of waiting to get names for a network deals. put subject note: referral from Marylin to Good luck. Quality content is needed. Join TV & Film network group send link/tag line/log line and film/web/tv summary with link to trailer must be known link safe More written highlight & marketing details the better. I'm on so reach me with exact information requested.

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