I'm rather shocked at the amount of people who have joined Stage32, and then did nothing with it. Unlike Facebook, this is an amazing social network, and an incredible opportunity to further your dream...but only if you do something! I have met and made some very valuable contacts here, but only because I've been dilligent and worked on it. I work on it every day. You can call yourself whatever you like here, but the difference between SAYING you're an actor, producer, director, and being one is working in your field. To that end, treat Stage32 lke a meeting in an agent's office for the first time. You want to be professional, you want to put your best foot forward. That means, when you join, instead of having a faint outline of a profile picture, take the extra minute and put one up..and make sure it's not an amatuer out of focus shot you took with your laptop. I see actors with totally wrong pictures. That tells whoever is considering you that you don't know how the business works, and you have no experince..NEXT! I have over 22 thousand people in my group. I got there because I worked at it. Get your profile picture up. Fill in your page with resume, reels, projects and photos. The more you have in your arsenal, the better. You're looking at over 100,000 people on this site..but you're also competing with them too. Once you get your network going, you can search for specific people. Have a screenplay you want people to look at? Search JUST the directors or producers. Again, if you're looking to meet people socially...go to Facebook. Stage32 is designed for JUST people in the business. That's my 2 cents worth!
Melody, I'm glad that you've been motivated!
Good post, Gary! I'd love to read about your actual, day-to-day routine for networking here. I bet a lot of people would benefit. Social networking is like an alien language for a lot of people. Not me, of course. Cough cough.
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Agreed! Stage 32 is a wonderful resource for those in Entertainment. I definitely second the social versus business relations; this ought to remain a safe place to do business.
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Quote: Again, if you're looking to meet people socially...go to Facebook. Stage32 is designed for JUST people in the business. That's my 2 cents worth! I get what you are saying here however, that is not for everyone, as not everyone has the backgrounds of what you say here eg: me !! I am here to meet 'people' and see if I get along and resonate with what they do and vice versa. That for me entails a little social banter of which leads via 'automatic writing,' to good productive /proactive outcomes if it is let be. I for one am in no rush to be anything- Just play.. connect... and see what comes from this. Through doing this I just may find out things I can do that I never dreamed of ... Thanks for great read xx
Thank you so much Gary... I am glad that you let me know that I am in the right place...I will work much harder at it....for I am truly looking for a place where I can get some work, and hopefully help others by giving work once I get the finances.
I'm glad that you posted this. It's good to know that this site is legit and you have people that are serious about their passion and perfecting their craft.
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Gary you have inspire me to just do it no matter what it takes. Thank you, sincerely David James Mignogna
Thanks for that, Gary. Will get there eventually, but am too busy writing, at the moment...
I like your attitude, but for me it's ditto what Djamila said, I am very busy writing. I will follow your advice when I get these next three screenplays out of the way.
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Don't worry I am always haunting the board in the vain hope of getting a PRODUCER.
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Let me answer that Carolyn. When I first signed on to Stage 32, I said to myself, "I'm going to be really selective as to who joins my network, and I was cherry picking this person, and another person, but then I said, "this is crazy, you want the biggerst network you can have" That;'s because you want the biggest group to call upon, or draw from, or be able top contact. I'm not managing 22 thousand people, but you bet they're there when I need to find someone, or get an opinion, or get advice. If you owned a radio station, would you say, "you know what, I just want 25 listeners" No...you want as many as you can get. That's how I view Stage32. More people in my network...more professionals to draw upon.
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You said it brother!
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You make a great statement here, Gary. I think for people like me, still green in this world, many may not know what to do next. I have a screenplay that I would love to see financed (probably the next step) and up on the silver screen. And, not living in the hotbeds of the entertainment arena, it's hard to know who to go to and who to trust. Perhaps some in your network have experienced this?
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Here's the thing Andrew, in this business as in many other businesses, it's who knows someone who knows someone, who knows someone. You never know where an opportunity is going to show it's face, but YOU HAVE TO BE PRESENT. In other words, you have to be ready. So to that end, let's say you have a screenplay that you want produced...is it better to have a couple of people potentially looking at it, or the potential for THOUSANDS to look at it? That's wy I have over 22k in my group. When a door opens--walk through it. Even if you're unsure of what's on the other side. You never know where it's going to lead.
Well said Craig! I think this site offers a vast amount of opportunities for creatives willing to put in the work and utilize the incredible functions that Stage32 offers. thanks for sharing.
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Right on, Gary! Thx for putting things straight and giving a kick in the butt :-)
Thanks for sharing your opinion Gary. It's easy to say you're an actor but the hard part is someone to give you a chance to prove it. I will try to follow your advice!
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Quote: When a door opens--walk through it. Even if you're unsure of what's on the other side. You never know where it's going to lead. Yes ... This is why I am here getting to know this place ...
I've felt bad about not being able to be more active here lately. But I do interact when I can. With a screenplay deadline coming up and then an invitation to speak for an hour at a local school it might be another week or two. I'm very grateful Stage 32 is here. My idea of being selective is to look for several things you've mentioned. Someone with no info (or worse, no profile picture or one that isn't their face) won't capture my interest. With limited time it's actually a time saver to view a profile that contains some kind of information. One of the first things I look for is Desert Island movies. You can infer a lot by the films a person finds fascinating.
I agree. I have posted a couple of similar messages, especially after I've seen a couple of members complain about how often they are sent network requests from people all over the world or that they are being choosy about who they network with because they want to form meaningful relationships with people on this site. Whatever! Those kinds of relationships are for facebook. If you're going to be in the entertainment industry, don't limit yourself just to those in your backyard... you'll probably go nowhere. The other thing is that I have noticed a large number of profiles that have not been checked in nearly, or over, a year. Why? How can I offer you a gig if you're not even around to get my messages?
@ J. Brian .. I guess everyone's just doing their thing as they see fit .. This is a huge outlet for the industry as Gary points out .. I don't think we can expect everybody to be the same or it would be boring
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Quote: (...) one door just leads to another. Sometimes it feels a little overwhelming, but if I look at how far I've come, I know I don't want to go back - just keep moving forward - one step at a time! Melody Joy. "If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." Martin Luther King Jr.
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Well said sir. I am guilt of the this. I have been so busy trying to be on set all the time that i have not been able to keep up with this, facebook , and my own website. I plan to start using this site to its full potential very soon
We agree completely- have just sat down with a mug of coffee and a stick full of photos to upload. We were so pleased when we signed up to see people actually making use of the site in a businesslike manner, very encouraging. So, on that note, will stop waffling and get on with it :)
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@ Phyllis, I agree about the Desert Island Movies, that's what I look for, too. It is easy to list (10 isn't nearly enough!) and I think it summarizes where you're coming from or what kind of thing you would like to do.
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Very well said Gary ! I have made a lot of great connections here as well, and work hard at it everyday ! That hard work and reaching out has paid off and has connected me with some great projects and great professional people in the entertainment industry.
Thanks for a great and inspiring post Gary! You've given me an added incentive to get on and make this site work for me :) . I will admit though to maybe not being as experienced as a lot of others on here, but will hopefully make up for that with passion and commitment.
So I feel time is precious treasure, or can and their mutual understanding of the people to participate in similar activities in real life, this might be some efficiency opportunities and opportunities, will be more direct.
I like these words!
Gary...listen for a sec. Some people are stuck, lost in the dream. I'm new here...and, I know that many of us are looking for that one contact; that one person who can break the glass and pull that fire alarm. Tell everyone about me, tell them, that I...have talent. Then again...if they don't put in the work...fuck em!
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When the student is ready the teacher will appear. We all want to feel valuable, we all have certain talents, and we're all looking. I believe we will find what we're looking for, when we're NOT as much looking, but plunge ourselves fully into the journey with our eyes wide open ready for the opportunity when it appears.
Quote: "When the student is ready the teacher will appear. We all want to feel valuable, we all have certain talents, and we're all looking. I believe we will find what we're looking for, when we're NOT as much looking, but plunge ourselves fully into the journey with our eyes wide open ready for the opportunity when it appears." ///\\ >> I LOVE AND TOTALLY RESONATE WITH WHAT YOU SAY HERE GARY !!!! IT'S AUTHENTIC and TRUE TO HEART !!! Thank you !!!
You're the BEST Gary !! That's the BEST bit of advice anyone can adhere to XXX
Your two cents is worth a million bucks.
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So true. Writing, producing, directing, singing, acting... million dollar budgets, 24 track studios, 100K spec sales, awards, not needed provided you are ACTIVE in your creative pursuits. Just talk won't get you very far on Stage32.
I love Stage 32 too; so much I was drawn to it and away from Facebook as if it were calling my creative spirit. Thank you! ~GD
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What does it truly mean to be ready?We all are born with the gift of communication. Our society is bogged down to a mere drop of what we are capable of. How do we truly use our talents to reach out? Through inspiration? Inspiration is so...personal, introverted; or maybe I'm afraid.
Good point Christopher Hart - On a personal note .. I tend to just keep doing and in the process of doing people are coming to me .., It works differently for everyone -
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I guess what I mean, is keep your eyes and ears open and don't be afraid to take that step.
Not here to have a million friends. Just want the opportunity to join forces with like minded creatives...
I agree, I look at this for a networking op to gain experience and exposure for career.
I agree and am working diligently to connect with everyone
My biggest problem is being new to this, how to properly maintain the connections. Unlike facebook where people add hundreds of friends to never talk to them again but instead have a large number of friends. I struggle with what is too much and what is not enough. I will randomly drop a hello in but as with blogging, I am clueless. I need pointers for this. I am very much a face to face interaction kind of person and really thrive in person but need to learn how to do the same on sites like this.
People join out of curiosity and may find its not their preferred tool, which is fine. If you are passionate with film then you'll want to link up. To each their own.
I haven't quite figured out how to use it yet.
Very good advice! Thank you!
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We can't do it alone. Funny how life proves that. We're independent in theory.
Was thinking some along the same line. All though I find it a little harder to connect on stage 32 than other platforms, but that might just be me :) One thing I like however, is the fact that you get Karma points the more you relevant stuff you put in to your profile. Gives a sense of accomplishment and a idea of how you profile would rank amongst others.
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Gary, thank you! Perfect advice I need to better follow. Perfect tease for fellow creatives not already on Stage 32. This is not a zero sum game. This is a business ruled by relationships filled with a wide variety of looks, talents and and personalities. To me that makes me wonder who I know I could match to the next possible opportunity ... and vice versa (aka, karma). In the Information Age that means working social media. For us "creatives", that means working Stage 32. Thanks for reminding us how to start right ... or improve on the next take!
I agree! Sometimes it feels like a world full of lemmings, with all due respect to everyone.
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People have to get focused that's all
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Whatever .. Each to their own .. None of us know each other's background .. nor do we know what your foots step are that suit our productive journey ... As far as I am concerned, we're all here doing it the best way we all know. There is no set right way !! XX
plead guilty :(
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if i spent as much time on stage32 as i do on my facebook wall, perhaps i'd realize my ambitions quicker. from today, on, i'll make sure a tab open to stage32 is up as much as my facebook one is. thanks for the verbal kick in the head.
Trisha, that's exactly what I do! Facebook? Face-what?! ;)....
Feel free to network with me then! I put up headshots, theatrical shots, monologues and projects up
Very true..
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I think it needs just a little bit of time ..
I think Stage 32 is just one of many possiblities and if you really are working in the business you finally have to find projects, people and funding locally, but in the end to step it up, you got to get connections out of the box too, for example via Stage32. I have tried to limit my connections to have some overview, but I guess there are two ways to look at it. To become as well known as possible with as many people as possible, or concentrate an a few connections that one day could make a difference. But he the best thing would be to show some work that qualifies you somehow which with little & no funding is hard, but with some creativity, there are always ways to be found.
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I think you are correct Craig but sometimes we would like to know the person behind it the personal touch.
Sadly I've had no luck finding a producer for my scripts.
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Gary was just in American Hustle with Jennifer Lawrence, Bradley Cooper, et. al. He's doing something right and I see him on here every day meeting people all over Stage 32. That's what it's for. I'm proud to have him in my network because I love seeing his career grow.
I haven't had a lot of luck but I have had some. But I have also made some great connections and hopefully one day it will lead to more work. But I am on here everyday looking and meeting.
It's like with all kind of business. If you are regularly present, people will get to know you and will be reminded about you, when the day comes that a project is taking off and they can connect you to the topic. It can take weeks, months, or years. You just got to start somewhere, but also not only at once place like on stage 32. Also on people in your neighborhood and in other networks. But you should also not forget to take the opportunity to join some project, so that you have something to show and to prove that you have an idea about it. When I tried to get my first credits from some short films on imdb, it didn't work. The projects didn't get accepted. A year later my credit as Production Manager turned up on the worst film I helped to produce for a Filmmaking student for his Final Thesis FiIm. Somehow I was Happy to have a credit, but not really this one. The Filming had been a good exercise & experience but not really a good film. Nevertheless I got the idea to get the other better projects up there as a reference too. The Filmmakers weren't really eager to do anything more with their films two years after they had made them. I wanted to get my credits on imdb so I kind of forced them to give their original video material and submitted them to several International FIlmfestivals. For "Border Stories - Illegal Imigration" we got 4 Awards and for "Life Lines" 1 Award and all are up on imdb now. In the meantime I got another project, where we were officially selected for a Festival Tour in 5 German cities and got another Award in Switzerland. Since these are small Festivals and not listed on imdb I managed to get all pictures available for the event, to post some on imdb. There is always a way to make things happen. In most cases you can manage almost everything with hard diligent work.