Hi S32ers. I am going adventuring (and to write) in Thailand. I was wondering if there's anyone living there who may want to say g'day? I'm going, visas permitting, for 3 months beginning end of May. Chiang Mai will be my base at first but going to Cambodia to explore as a friend told me the beaches are great. :) Cheers, Kaz
POST FROM CHIANG MAI - Meanderings: I don't mind if I follow myself. :) Don't think anyone reads this anyway so I'm safe in being myself for once - twice... or whatever. Ok, an update on me being in Thailand. 29th May I arrive in Chiang Mai near or in the old Golden Triangle some may remember or not. Anyway, not a poppy seed in sight though mucho good street tucker and at very reasonable prices. I am paying great rent compared to the exchange rate in Oz and better if American. . Here's my current hacienda. http://www.galarethong.com/photo_gallery.html Funny how things can go awry. I planned on going to Cambodia but the visa did not go to plan, but there's always a Plan B. Right? Yes... hopefully. Working on that. I thought I'd meet up with the local writing/ Film group of which I finally found their hangout from Google Earth - it's in some wine bar in the Old City - but as yet not caught up because I've been busy writing (that's a habit of mine). Happy to say that the feature action thriller ROGAN'S WAR 's is now sent off to a LA Consultant for coverage - so fingers crossed on that. Moving on and time out of my abode and to my favorite place of relaxation and popcorn. So yes, I've been to the movies here - with a multiplex no less placed within a modern new plaza (mall) where I saw MoS, twice, one in 3D.. (yes I'm a sucker for all mod cons) and last Saturday, I saw THE LONE RANGER of which I thoroughly enjoyed - now don't throw rocks peeps ducks OUCH! Life here may not sound too exciting, and nothing of the local color being splashed around here on S32, but I do have fun here. I mostly do nothing and loving it... write, eat and sleep basically and hitting the ATM for cash - for which I splash out on the local transport - called Tuk Tuks. 'James, take me hither and don't spare the 2 stroke engine' cough cough. Something like that. You got it. Ah, crazy little 3 wheelers, no walls, (modern rickshaw?) who takes me anywhere I want to go and I just love it. Like the other day my prepaid cell runs out and the Tuk Tuk helpful driver takes me to 7 Eleven. I show my doubts but the language is not so crash-hot so he stops the engine (for that I feel instant relief) and he drags me into the store. He speaks in Thai and wow - all of a sudden my cell is stoked up, I pay, smiles all around. These Tuk Tuk drivers are what I will miss the most when I get back home. Mind you, I've been too lazy too to barter the price as I did so well in China... so here I never pay the same price twice for the same destination. I think this time I'll just go with the flow and what the hell. Think I get good service - at least I tell mysself that. Oh well, a great ramble here and still assuming no-one will read it and just as well as it says bugger all. But my next Post from CM will have better and exciting vibrant exotic news - especially for me as I do live such a boring life. BTW, anyone else in CM on S32? checks I'm not in the cone on silence I thought not. lol So that means I can post anything here as long as I say 'it's my birthday todat' Sorry Sean. lol.:) Ciao and korp kun... and the other word for thank you. Kaz :)