Anything Goes : Anxiety Attack post a Creative act by Amit Mehra

Amit Mehra

Anxiety Attack post a Creative act

Instead of relief, I often get an anxiety attack immediately after finishing a creative Job. Fear of judgement? insecurity about next job? emptiness? All of the above? Something else? Do any of you get it too? How do you deal with it?

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Listen to music might be better.

Stephanie Lynn Wilson

I definitely undergo withdrawal symptoms. I just stay in bed a few days to regroup. There is a sense of loss as well as great accomplishment.

Allyn Miller

Ride it out like everyone else. Take a walk, or listen to music.

Niecy C.

You are not alone!

Sam Moffie

Kick back and reward yourself. Keep calm and carry-on to the next creative project. Be your own best ally!

Benjamin Wiessner

It is a little terrifying to have something go from your head and end up in front of other people, ready to be judged by them. I also get that Christmas afternoon feeling. The excitement is over and... Now what?

Liam Lionheart

Fear is a powerful thing, however it must be embraced. This is coming from a guy that let fear controls him, I intend to turn around. Though truth be known my confidence level have sky rocked since Friday since I had an interview with Target. When I finish a project any project I feel I have done something positive and plunged head first into the next, weather it's a book or not.

Sandra Faleris

I end up rereading or reviewing my creative work 100 times after it is finished. I try to look through different people's eyes to see if I still like it. It's crazy!

Andy Davie

Oh yeah, been there, done that... Nowadays I tend to kiss the latest finished piece goodbye and get as much done on another piece or the next piece as possible while I can before any requested re-writes or edits come back. The trick is to always have more than one project on the go at once, thus you've always got something to focus on...

Sandra Weston

I haven't had any work yet this year. talk about feeling out on a limb. The reason I'm not working is that I am interested in doing professional quality projects instead of just taking any part where they are willing to cast me. It's lonely here and I have no idea if I'll get anything, make any progress. I spend all my time looking for the higher quality scripts and trying to get casting to see me. I think we all have to believe in ourselves, it's a core value. Not being perfect, famous ,gorgeous, I still know I have something unique to offer. So do you. Let yourself think about that and the other will settle down so you can go on with confidence.

Daren Allen Seifert

No way! I am usually so excited to release it I can't contain myself! The only time I get down about one of my films is when I get a dislike, or a bad review. Critics can be so harsh these days...

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