Acting : plus size model/Improv/Actor/caterer by Lucy Lopez

Lucy Lopez

plus size model/Improv/Actor/caterer

im lucy lopez/pirrello I have a passion for acting, i have really good facial expressions.I want to see my self on the big screen, and on stage theatre. is there anyone who wants to join me on this ride if so lets get to work

Candice O'Hart

You go girl! I am also plus size (by Hollywood's standards lol). It's very hard for people to take me seriously in this business when I'm not skinny mini cause even though the producer loves my acting he gives me a tiny part cause I'm not the right "shape." Have you had any issues? Good luck!

Lucy Lopez

yes i keep getting extras or background work, i keep hearing you are talented. so why am i not getting better roles

Candice O'Hart

Exactly! In this day and age it's usually about looks. There are quite a few famous actresses that are honestly not that good at acting, but since they are skinny they are given the role. Ha.

Lucy Lopez

I think we need to change a few things, I rather have my curves than be stick thin, that is not for me

Candice O'Hart

Completely agree!

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