On Writing : Inappropriate behaviour? write a 15 minute play about it and win £250 by Debbie Maya

Inappropriate behaviour? write a 15 minute play about it and win £250

As Publicity Officer of Player Playwrights in London, see below the writing competition the group are running. INAPPROPRIATE BEHAVIOUR? Player-Playwrights, London’s weekly forum for new stage writing, is holding an open competition for new short plays on the theme of INAPPROPRIATE BEHAVIOUR. The finals of the competition will be held at the Player-Playwrights venue, upstairs at the Three Stags, 67/69 Kennington Road, London SE1 7PZ on 15 July 2013, when each of the short-listed plays will receive a professional reading, and will be judged by our members. Player-Playwrights is a long-established group of professional writers and actors which meets every Monday in London to read and discuss new work for stage and other media. Our presidents are Laurence Marks and Maurice Gran, who began their scriptwriting careers as members in the 1970s. Many of our writers have gone on to see their work produced in the UK and elsewhere. We read more than 30 plays a year and are always looking for ambitious new talent. Scripts must be sent by email to secretary@playerplaywrights.co.uk by 3 June. There is no entry fee. A shortlist will be announced by 24 June. Shortlisted writers will be required to become members of the group. If you want to know more, come along to one of our weekly readings at the Three Stags as a guest (£2.50 a time) and discover how we provide a unique platform for writers to get friendly feedback on their scripts. For more information and to read the full competition rules, visit www.playerplaywrights.co.uk. Good Luck! ________________________________________________________________________________________ RULES OF THE COMPETITION 1 Player-Playwrights invite entries for a Short Play Competition. The Finals will be held at 7.30 on 15 July 2013 at The Three Stags, 67/69 Kennington Road, London SE1 7PZ [nearest underground Lambeth North] 2 The theme of the competition is INAPPROPRIATE BEHAVIOUR and the entries must be written for stage production. 3 There will be a first prize of £250 and £150 for the runner up. 4 Each entry must be given its own title and should have a running time of about 15 minutes: anything over 20 minutes or under 10 minutes will be disqualified. The play may be set in any place and any time and in any genre. 5 The entries should be submitted by email to secretary@playerplaywrights.co.uk and must be arrive by 10am on 3 June 2013. No entry fee is required. 6 A short list of up to six plays shall be selected by a Player-Playwrights subcommittee [from which competitors will be excluded!] by 10am on Monday 24 June and all competitors will be informed of the selection later that day. 7 The writers of the selected plays shall become members of Player-Playwrights, if not members already, and shall cast their plays from Player-Playwrights actor membership. Advice and assistance will be provided by the casting secretary at ppcastingsecretaries@gmail.com. with a view to organising a rehearsal before the reading. 8 The finalists will be voted on by the P-P membership and prizes will be presented on the night.

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