Screenwriting : What keeps you going on your writing journey? by Denise Cruz-Castino

What keeps you going on your writing journey?

So I got to thinking today about how the screenwriting journey isn't always an easy one. Or any career in film, for that matter. But if you've chosen it, then it's your calling and you have to protect that dream and passion in order to keep on keeping on. So I thought I'd start a post to let others share what you do to keep that passion alive. So what do you do, when you feel like throwing in the towel? I'll start it. For me, I surround myself with people who believe in my dream. I find the biggest thing that can kill your passion and dream is naysayers. If you have them around you, get rid of them. I also thought I'd post a video that a fellow screenwriter sent to me today. It was so inspiring and reminded me that we should never give up our dreams.

Mark O'Neill

Well Denise, aside from not watching the X-factor video clip out of principle (I forgive you), I guess one of the recurring thoughts I have to keep me on track is "what's the alternative". I mean, if I'm not doing the thing that makes me happy then what would I be doing, and how happy would I be doing that other thing compared to what I'm doing now. I'm sure that's not particularly inspirational, but it's realistic, I guess. I do agree that you should detach yourself from naysayers though - and I mean that in general, not just with regards to a specific thing in your life because life truly is too short. Far too short to be surrounded by other people's negativity. It's surprising how many people _aren't_ on track though - whom are still standing at the station waiting for some magical train to whisk them away, yet they haven't even taken the first step in buying the ticket... All the best, Mark. ------------ (

Denise Cruz-Castino

LOL well you don't have to watch the clip. But I do promise you, it was inspirational. I don't watch the show. But this one really moved me. But that aside, I love your energy and your words. You are exactly the type of person I like to surround myself with. Positive and going after what makes you happy. And yes, that is inspirational! Seeing someone go after what makes them happy, inspires others to do the same. And agree, life is too short to have that negativity around! Agree, agree! Yes you are right, there are many that are waiting for life to show them the way. But it doesn't work that way does it? It takes hard work and getting in the game. I've seen so many people wish for success without wanting to earn it. You have to earn it!

Denise Cruz-Castino

Amir, glad you liked the video! I love what you wrote about the thrill of imaginary worlds. Wow! Yes, so true. I think that's what I love about it too and never really thought of it that way. I think sometimes I find myself liking it more than real life! LOL I mean, everything works out in my stories at least! And I also like the mission statement idea taped to your screen. Great idea! Think I'll borrow that. My script I was working on all last year got so convoluted from writing group feedback I almost had to throw it away. Instead, I stepped back and reminded myself why I starting writing in the first place and then stopped sharing it with my group. At least until I have a first draft. I realized it's so important to protect that first draft. It's almost like yes, get notes, but not until you have a first draft! Then at least notes might guide you on the story YOU want to tell. As you said it, keep that fire burning for the story.

Denise Cruz-Castino

Wow so true! So smart! I always feel like I need guidance to help me stay on track. But I think I'll get notes on outline and then wait after I've written at least a draft. I learned the hard way!

Tom Paini

Inspiration.... Everyone forgets!.. Or ignores it!.. It comes from somewhere.. I'm not talking about the story, or the mechanics, or even the format it's placed in... Whether it be a Screenplay, Stageplay, Novel or Poem.. It has to comes from somewhere... Where?.. You ask... Well.. From within. Look to the Lady who posted the first comment on this string... Inspiration:- - - You need to be in love with what your trying to do.. You need to be in love with the writing, even with it's heartaches.. Be inspired!.. It's a journey.. The road may be long an weary, but it's a journey you don't make alone.. The people in your life will be there with you... "A thought, a dream, un-bridled an bold.. Your story.. Your story.. As yet untold".. Our truest life is when we are in dreams awake. Henry David Thoreau

Tabitha Baumander

two things A) my reality sucks B) its really the only thing I do very well.

Padma Narayanaswamy

passion for writing .it is also commercially viable unlike short stories novels. for some it is a child play but for me it is hard labour though a passionate one.

Henry Rivers

Eagles Fly with Eagles, Pigeons Fly with Pigeons, Sparrows Fly with Sparrows, You become what your Environment Dictates, You are what you become, when you associate with that Element you Choose...

Linda Harborth

I am a songwriter only - not a musician, singer or in a band. I believe it all does start with a song and that is my gift and talent to the world... my exceptional songs. I have been called "The Golden Pen". I record in Nashville and write mainly in Indie/Country/Pop genres - ASCAP and Harry Fox Agency member. My work is out on SoundCloud at My songs have been considered for NSAI Publishers Luncheons, on the radio, recorded/published on various artist's albums - one internationally, on an award winning Indie film, and been on the Independent Music Network charts for over a year. If you ever have a need for top notch original songs, please feel free to give me a holler... v/r,

Madeline Ortiz Méndez

Is not easy for me, I throw my towel in 2006 after I tried so hard to made my short film. Everybody said is good I also had 2 good actors but nobody help me, so I got a job in a private company and put my dreams in a heart shapped box. But I always keep writring in a journal or a piece of paper the ideas come to me. So I decided in december 2011 to take my dream out of that heart shapped box, I spend 2012 taking courses and reading books of screenwriting, and its not easy having a day job ( I get up at 5am and returned home 6 or 7 pm). My motivation is Nothing is impossible Im also read inspirational stories that keeps me aware of what I really want. And now I see my dream more close every day because in the weekends I spend time writing.

Tom Paini

If your stuck for inspirational thoughts.. Put your headphones on, close your eyes, play this.. And go where you can find it....

Tom Paini

If the above one I posted a link to, doesn't work for you?.. Try this one!.. That should get you there...

Denise Cruz-Castino

LOL Manda, you sound like me! I can't go more than a day or two without getting irritable either. it's as if my muses are calling me. I can't figure out what else it would be. It's just such a part of me now, I have to write. I have no choice. I joke it's almost a curse! Tom, your answers have been great! I love your first post. It was so poetic. Yes, inspiration, for sure! I think it's what is so important. We all obviously feel inspired or we wouldn't even sit down and begin to tell a story. We are moved to get that story out on the page. And of course, yes, we hope to someday share it with the world. And Padma, yes, passion fits in with that too. Madeleine, I'm glad you came back to writing. I think it's what all writers have. That calling to keep telling our stories. I think it's why it makes me sad when a writer quits. Because I truly feel writers were put on this earth to get their story out. And if they don't, I feel the world will be missing out.

William Martell

I write. The only discouraging things are on the business side, not the part where I sit down and write a screenplay. But, because we are writers, we have many other options. We can write short stories or novels or articles or whatever... No one can stop us from writing.

Lisa Clemens

What keeps me going is the encouragement of my partner and knowing that we compliment each other very well. He is the one who first asked me to give screenwriting a try as more than a hobby, and really gave me the chance to combine my love of writing fiction with my fascination with how films get made. As it turns out, we compliment each other very well. He can use my "woman's POV" and I learn a lot from his. As someone who has directed, been an action choreographer and worked as a cinematographer, he is very visual and good with action ideas while my strengths are in dialog. He has taken me under his wing as a mentor to me, to teach me to see things the way he does. And I think some of his plot/action skills have rubbed off on me too thanks to his enthusiasm and ability to get me to imagine things the way he does. Plus he got me in on my first paid gig, which lead to another solo job. I want to continue to work with him and pay him back for all he has done for me. We are currently working on a script we have high hopes for and we are dreaming the big dream together. No way I would give up on that!

Denise Cruz-Castino

Lisa you guys sound like a perfect team! I love that you inspire each other and want to help each other out. Sounds like it's working!

Lisa Clemens

Thanks, and yeah, so far soooo good!

Jason Blanco

Originally started writing without knowing I was. Couldn't journal so it became fiction – what I felt like existentially. Old or dying man. Little boy or girl. Female rape survivor. Vigilante. Vampire. Outsider. This ten, fifteen years ago. In retrospect, empathy in these pieces breathtaking. Know where it came from, but can't believe those words, sentiments my own. On a subconscious level I was writing what I wasn't finding in books, or life. Pulp I used to read lacked soul, intimacy (as did most people I knew). Much later, forced self to journal and it became habit, often against will, time, space. I wrote because I felt alone. Add to that my ridiculous concern for justice. It is the same now. I write because I HAVE to and don't always like it. 

Diana Eiranova-Kyle

Dear Denise, I became a screenwriter by default, when my activism was cut short by a brain aneurism. But thanks to the fact that I had produced a 16 min. doc. on one of the cases I had worked on,when my doctors ordered me to stay away from stress, I was told to write, write and write! So I did, and I finished one project, which won 3rd. place in a New York competition but which due to its "controversial" nature I may have to turn into an e-book after I finish my second script. In any case, never, ever, give up! If this is your dream, go after it with a passion, even if you see your manuscripts sit in the proverbial shelf. And start networking through film festivals, screnwriting workshops and if you are lucky enough to live in LA or NY, go to all the conferences and panels you can manage to attend. Best of luck to you! Si, Se Puede!

John Rachel

I am a masochist. Sometimes I get tired of pounding nails in my forearms, dunking my face in boiling vats of cooking oil, and covering my body with hungry bloodsucking leaches. So I write screenplays just for a change of pace.

Denise Cruz-Castino

Diana, there are no accidents. Although it seems like default, I feel everything happens for a reason. You were meant to be a writer. Just happened in a dramatic way! John, that's hysterical. I feel like that sometimes too!

Denise Cruz-Castino

John Young that's too sweet!

Linda Harborth

Songwriting is a calling too. Love/Hate relationship. If you ever need original, stellar songs. My work is out on SoundCloud at

Denise Cruz-Castino

Some really nice stuff. Some of it seems like it would fit better with a country style movie. But I think Gotta Kiss A Lot of Frogs would be cute in any romcom. I tweeted your page to my 700 followers. Hope you get some fans! Keep in touch!

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