Anything Goes : Build-a-baby: The Personhood Conspiracy (2014) by Sara Joy Márquez

Build-a-baby: The Personhood Conspiracy (2014)

Imagine the possibilities of creating life from ova or sperm made from skin cells. Sounds like sci-fi, right? Not anymore. Skin is now a "gender-neutral" organ of sexual reproduction, and if you penetrate the skin without consent it is rape. In 'The Personhood Conspiracy', Paul Ryan (fictional character) is the biological mother of a skin-cell rape baby. (I know right.) Here's the actual science driving the film's plot. #petzygote

Life created from eggs made from skin cells
Life created from eggs made from skin cells
Stem cells have become "grandparents" after generations of life were created in experiments by scientists in Japan.
Sara Joy Márquez

The thing about mammoths, though, you can't file maternity suits for #petzygotes

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