Hello to all Creative people on Stage & off Stage. I like to know your thoughts or advice( if any). Do you need a Website of yourself or having IMDB, Facebook page, Twitter & LinkedIn profiles is enough (Not Forgetting Stage32). Thankyou. God Bless!
I suspect a website may be good as an online portfolio or as a place to host a demo reel, but not for heavy marketing. The one exception being if you actively promote relationships with your fans, you may want to do it in your own site if you have a large-enough fan base.
Yes, you need a website. This way you have one place where everything you want it located. If you don't own your First & Last Name as a Domain Name, you need to buy this NOW and steer it to any other online profiles that you have so that others don't buy it. My website is http://www.KristinaHughes.com. It's always a work-in-progress but my most important things are on the front page. You can then put your social links on the front and invite people to sign-up for your newsletter. I recommend taking a loot at http://www.ShowBizSender.com. This is a real way to build your audience, see who is clicking, forwarding, etc. It's a relationship business and sending out something quarterly is essential in building your fanbase. You can then archive these newsletters on your website.
Kristina is right on point with the domain name, in case your famous one day you wouldn't want to spend thousands of dollars trying to buy back your name. Also a website is a must a video within can't hurt either. If you need some help with that you can check out my site at: http://videobylina.com.
With the low cost of a website and templates that seem to allow even me to build one I don't think it hurts. My acting web site don't get me work but I own my name Http://www.tomproctor.com. My site for stunts Http://www.tomproctorstunts.com ... very helpful and the same with my site for the acting coaching and head shots that I do. http://www.auditiontaping.com
I have one, www.wetcoastwriters.com. I don't know how much good it will do, but I figure it's one more way for people to find me and my writing partners. It can't hurt and doesn't suck up my time - much.
Thankyou Mr. Young for your Thoughts. Doing the same. God Bless!
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I suspect a website may be good as an online portfolio or as a place to host a demo reel, but not for heavy marketing. The one exception being if you actively promote relationships with your fans, you may want to do it in your own site if you have a large-enough fan base.
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Yes, you need a website. This way you have one place where everything you want it located. If you don't own your First & Last Name as a Domain Name, you need to buy this NOW and steer it to any other online profiles that you have so that others don't buy it. My website is http://www.KristinaHughes.com. It's always a work-in-progress but my most important things are on the front page. You can then put your social links on the front and invite people to sign-up for your newsletter. I recommend taking a loot at http://www.ShowBizSender.com. This is a real way to build your audience, see who is clicking, forwarding, etc. It's a relationship business and sending out something quarterly is essential in building your fanbase. You can then archive these newsletters on your website.
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Kristina is right on point with the domain name, in case your famous one day you wouldn't want to spend thousands of dollars trying to buy back your name. Also a website is a must a video within can't hurt either. If you need some help with that you can check out my site at: http://videobylina.com.
Thankyou Stever, Kristina and Lina for your helpful comments and suggestions. God Bless You All! Be Well. Nitten Rajput.
Absolutely! Glad to be here.
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With the low cost of a website and templates that seem to allow even me to build one I don't think it hurts. My acting web site don't get me work but I own my name Http://www.tomproctor.com. My site for stunts Http://www.tomproctorstunts.com ... very helpful and the same with my site for the acting coaching and head shots that I do. http://www.auditiontaping.com
I have one, www.wetcoastwriters.com. I don't know how much good it will do, but I figure it's one more way for people to find me and my writing partners. It can't hurt and doesn't suck up my time - much.