Anything Goes : My screenwriting talents suck... by Max Boyce

Max Boyce

My screenwriting talents suck...

But, I'm getting better (the more I suck on the fade ins & fade outs)... Are there any critique site devoted strictly to scripting???? I'm not interested in buying a pre-packaged courses or books on film making or making Syd Fields richer. I know about all the novel/poetry crit sites in the universe. I want feedback on on-going scripts in reciprocal critiquing in a land where trolls are burned at the stake. RICHARD BB - can you build a dedicated application for critique writing/screenplay crafting into STAGE32? I'd pay $7-10 a month for one.

Rachael Saltzman

Triggerstreet, if it still exists.

Antonio Ingram

Well keep at it man but please so not say you suck. I do not like to hear people degrade themselves. If you really want to be better you will be better. I am not sure what to say man, I wish I could help you with this. I advise that you submit you script to a consultant because they can note what "sucks" about your script and then you can focus on the areas you truly need work in. There is also a program called screenwriter U that I think would really be a help to you but it is pricey but I do not want to insult because you may can afford it but in my opinion it is. Well best of luck to you and I hope you are able to figure out what is holding your fantastic screenplay back.

Armando Alejandro

I've found some pretty good YouTube Videos on Screen Writing from established people. Just do a search on Screen Writing.

Armando Alejandro

I found this particular video very educational.

Wayne Taylor

TALENTVILLE.COM You can join for free and be a TOURIST or pay a small fee and be a CITIZEN. Either way it is a great place to start as a screenwriter. But they give honest feedback, so if you are thin skinned stop writing now.

Scott Luper

I'm sure you write well. You're probably just critical of your work, which isn't a bad thing. Honestly, I'd join a writing group like Lyse Beck mentioned. You might also see if you have a local screenwriting association you can join. They're usually full of people happy to critique work and they have no dog in the fight so they can be more honest than family and friends. I really got the most from reading a couple of quality scripts a day from free script databases. Find scripts from the movies you love and read through to see what you loved about them. It'll do wonders for your writing. Just a thought :)

Kristen Tinsley

Send me the first 5 pages of your script and I'll tell you what's up. I'm a script reader.

Christopher Hart

Max you probably do, but, why? Why do you want to write? for money? for respect? for the love of it? Max, I write because I have no choice. Why do you want to do it? Answer that honestly, and create stories with the essence of what makes you who you are. Any moron can write a blockbuster movie, but, a smart writer hides the true theme beneath the glamour. Max, You suck because you said so. I suck because, I want to...why? because a character needs me to be. Don't think that way again! Write it instead.

Max Boyce

THANKS CHRIS HART! I was using reverse hyperbole to garner response. However, I did get the response I needed , which is I write because I once decided to play music professionally and after I decided to go for it, it took me about 3 years and I did it. I see the progression in writing... Scriptwriting, actually I see it as only one step in a bigger picture and progression in writing. I sucked at novel writing, but I'm in the process of tossing up a 350-400 page novel into Story Mill. The diddling around in scriptwriting has DEFINITELY helped my writing skills, which I know will transfer over to a new novel. And I'll write the new novel with an eye and in a crisper tense and technique to translation to visual media. BUT, 10 script of 10 short stories is a fixed progression that I will finish. THE MOONBOW, a chapter from my first novel is next up. I think it exists as a short story somewhere on the internet.

Charlotte Merritt

The Bitter Scripwriter - harsh but honest advice.

Christopher Hart

@Lyse of course. I always thought that a blockbuster movie is determined by its mainstream success. I know believe that it's not the success, but the amount of money for the budget. $200 million dollar price tag will make it a blockbuster, but $3 million, like "The Purge" is just a successful film.

Janet Biery

Love the idea - not keen on the paying to read scripts but willing to partiipate in exchange for reads and feedback without paying. Have registered mine as I finish them with WGA-W so I could submit to contests. Not sure they are ready or what needs tweaked, etc. so a critique cirlce would help. Have a couple of novels up on authonomy - finally had a group critique of one, Clarissa's Kitchen. Helpful and a bit overwhelming but it takes a lot of work to read other writers each two weeks and provide a critique for them. Let me know when you get one floated on here - but don't offer money. Seems there are a few writers making a living writing and a million making money off all the want-to-be writers.

Padma Narayanaswamy

Zoetrope is one of the site where I gofor critiquing .

Janet Scott

This guy is fabulous....

Janet Scott

Glad you liked it Lyse...did you watch some of his other videos? He is a great guy!

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