Introduce Yourself : New to stage 32 by Tom Proctor

Tom Proctor

New to stage 32

Hi, I am an actor/stuntman/producer and a director. just for the record I am also a doctor, lawyer and a movie star ,an astronaut and i own this bar! LOL Ok I got carried away but haven't we all with the many hats we wear now days in order to make out dreams come true? I am here to reach out and make things happen

Padma Narayanaswamy

Wow Tom . I hope you reach out to me and produce my scripts. By the way I am a script writer and I have two scripts viz Race to the Senate and Human Bonding posted here.

Tom Proctor

do you have a pitch line for them?

Jennifer Jiles

Hilarious. You are slightly busier than me, as I'm the sheriff in this town.

David P Elliot

I love you already! ;-)

Diana Eiranova-Kyle

Wow Tom! I can't even count your chances of writing inspiring and meaningful stories... Just by being a doctor at a time when the future of medical care for the poor , the elderly and the under-insured is so scary... As a matter of fact, I have a script in mind that I've called "Do No Harm," and will deal with the influence of pharmaceutical companies in many doctors' practices, which as you know more than anyone, many times does not benefit patients. Welcome and best of luck!

Tabitha Baumander

cool you left out "indian chief" If your trolling around for any material check out the loglines and screenplays page on my profile.

JR Olivero

Some people don't really get humor in written form eh?

Nanny Easter

Tom I need help getting someone in the industry can you help please

Pamela McCarthy

Welcome Tom!

Tom Proctor

Thanks Rosann and Pamela this is a nice site.

Richard "RB" Botto

Great to have you in the mix, Tom.

Amanda Nevarez

Love the intro!

Cameron Ring

Im new to this too, glad you found this. Hope it all works out for you

Janet Biery

More power to you. Have enough trouble just being me.

Richard "RB" Botto

Big welcome to you as well, Cameron.

Gaetan Asselberghs

Doctor stuntman LOL!

David P Elliot

I can't resist saying to a stunt performing doctor - 'Physician heal thyself!'

Frankie Lassut

Have a shave and then you may get to play Chewbacca

Lynn Julian

you may or may never get to be all those people, but you may just get to play them on film!

Stacey Genève Travis

God Bless You! I hope all your dreams manifest and become a reality!

Frankie Lassut

Instead of reaching out and 'making' things happen, it's easier to reach in and allow things to happen

Valerie Clare

When they tell people to stay on their meds... this is exactly why people, Baha ha ha ha. LOL.

Frankie Lassut

Valerie. Is Baha ha ha ha a sheep with hiccups? I come from the English lakes, so I reckon you must have been there too?

Valerie Clare

WOW!!!, your a funny little man you is, lol.

Frankie Lassut

Hilarious actually. LOL. Little on the outside, HUGE on the inside (I don't mean inside leg either ... Keep it clean!!!!)

Valerie Clare

Awww, think outside the BOX... its good for the soul,lol.

Valerie Clare

You want to keep it clean, use TIDE with bleach.

Frankie Lassut

Funny, on a screenwriters site and actress uses TIDE ... EDIT?

Deanna Rashell

Love it! I'm a Jane of many trades too!

Laila Berzins

Cool Beans! If you ever want to collaborate, I'm an actor, voice over artist and singer!

Laurie Nelson Altenbern

Love your attitude, Tom. Let me know if you're looking for a screenwriter. I'm a good collaborator who enjoys the creative process and like-minded people with the energy and bullish persistence necessary in this business.

Carol Sims

hi Tom. I act/sing and have a home based business - trying to keep my free time for the arts!

Jessica Felice

Hey Tom nice to meet you. Please feel free to chat anytime. I love networking and I like your sense of humor. We all need it from time to time ;) xo Please feel free to check out my page and links xo-Jessica

Tom Vogel

I love the astronaut part. Where are you based, mate?

Petra M Campbell

AND an astronaut! Is that all LOL!

Frankie Lassut

Well astronauts only do it because the training includes a lot of that stuff aliens do (you know, rear end investigations).

Valerie Clare

Tom, u forgot comedian in there.Thats funny.

Ozzie Stewart

WOW!! ;-)

Pat Savage

welcome dude!

Zaff Malik

hey, you really are living life to the full. I thought I was rare in that after acting, being a VO artist and modeling, I pilot aircraft, race sports motorcycles, and am a white hat hacker in my day job. I think we really do try to make opportunities for ourselves! Good luck Tom. Kind regards, Zaff

Sabine Mondestin

wow so many hats...Congrats !

Ozzie Stewart


Manny O.G

Hi Tom, I am a stunt man and fight sequence perfomer/choreographer. I would like to work with you on any project you got.

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