Success Stories: JUN'26 Latst Short - Upon Reflection

Ian O'Neill

Latst Short - Upon Reflection

Thanks to some damned fine actors found right here on Stage 32, my latest short is completed. Great job everyone.

Andrea Thompson

I just saw this success story - congratulations Ian! Who were the Stage 32 actors? Bravo!

Ian O'Neill

Thanks Andrea. They're Peter Campbell and Jane Pokou. ;-)

Andrea Thompson

Great talents. You should be proud! Any plans to do another one? You should... Keep creating!

Ian O'Neill

I'm working on three scripts right now and then I'll choose which to do as my next project. This one will need some financing and way more crew. Thanks for the positives. They're much appreciated.

Andrea Thompson

I wish you nothing but success in finishing your scripts... I'm sure one will just "speak" to you in the middle of writing it and, alas, there will be your next project :)

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