Acting : Anatomy of a good reel by Christine Siracusa

Christine Siracusa

Anatomy of a good reel

What do you consider the essential components of a good acting reel? The first person who says "good acting" gets a prize ;-)

Tom Proctor

I think good acting is not acting at all and that makes a great reel

Daniel Adam Willis

I would agree with Tom. Something that shows ingenuity for sure but character is key!

Gillian McAuley

Good acting, variety of clips, obvious awareness of your casting types, etc. – all these are important but don’t ever forget practicality. Put yourself in the shoes of the people who will be watching your reel for the sole purpose of deciding whether or not to call you in for a casting, i.e. casting directors. Most CDs will freely admit that they don’t have time to watch a five minute reel in its entirety; in fact, most will only watch the first 20-30 seconds of each reel & that’s on an average casting day, not their busiest. If you really want to get auditions, move your best clips to the beginning of your reel, keep the whole thing to no more than 3.5 minutes & - if such pragmatism feels painful - find a good editor who can deliver those practical requirements without losing the structure, balance & artistry of what is a vital showcase of your work.

Brian Shell

Variety, diverse range, and a courage that shows you dare to take risks.

Rex George

Hi Iam an director /actor Watch on screen, inspired from a real life story on Kairali TV July 6th - 3rd episode UAE time & 5.30 pm INDIA time... DON'T MISS IT..!!

Cela Yildiz

It all depends on who you are and what kind of an actor you are. Many showreels are too long and movie professionals don't have time to watch it, they intend to fast forward and skip parts. Most of the time, they don't even watch till the end. I wanted to present something they want to watch. Once I have their attention, the rest is only detail.

Cela Yildiz

I'm an actor, an impersonator, a true shapeshifter. I'll bring old and new characters alive.

Mark Ashworth

That's very well pieced together reel Cela and it shows you are working but I'm afraid to say I don't see the 'work'. It in my opinion may be a good Print reel. I didn't hear your voice in it once !

Bruno Xavier

This isn't an acting reel. The first rule of reels is NO montages and this "reel" is pretty much just a 2 min montage.

Bruno Xavier

As Mark says its very well put together but it doesn't serve the purpose of an acting reel.

Cela Yildiz

I admit this is a new and different concept, a teaser to show possibilities. However, the voice is only a part of the acting and I don't see how a reel is even possible with NO montages. It's always a montage.

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