Anything Goes : Saying goodbye to my flash mob project. by James Holzrichter

James Holzrichter

Saying goodbye to my flash mob project.

My project was for our 5th wedding anniversary. I was planning a dancing flash mob for my wife. I was getting funds raised, just a few hundred so far thankfully. She just admitted to cheating on me tonight, so that project has crashed and burned before it even got started. Sorry for venting but I need to vent somewhere and she doesn't have a profile here. Now to return the funds. After the hell I went through being married to this bipolar woman I probably should not be so upset or surprised. After all she never really saw me in the relationship. I was the focus of all the bad things her father did. I never really even had a chance. One thing is for sure, I was prepared to grow old with her. I know I am NEVER getting married again that is for sure. Thanks for letting me vent. I hope everyone has a wonderful night. :)

Paul Sumares

Peace to you, brother. Sorry to hear this.

Padma Narayanaswamy

I am sorry but things always do not remain the same . it will get better.

Tabitha Baumander

Never say never again but before you even think of getting to the point where you say maybe get some help. This was clearly a complex relationship and you need to put it to bed with understanding not just anger.

Lina Jones

I'm kind of in agreement with Tabitha you should take some time off to get your mind right. Remember you should no fickle the public, the trusted in you to produce something so they sent you funds (regardless of how small). Once you recover you might try to produce something else then you'll be looking for more funds. Just because she was not loyal to you that's personal, stay loyal to your fans that's business. Lina Jones

James Holzrichter

Thank you everyone :) Great idea about putting the funds toward a different project. It was a very complex relationship, yes. The kicker is not that she did it, but that was the straw that broke my back. It has not been a good summer lol I could write a good old style country song with the past few weeks of my life.

Johanna Marshall

Out of misery comes creativity......if you permit it. I feel for you and understand, but things happen for a definite purpose.........wrap it in a positive neon light!!!!!!!!

Johanna Marshall


Matt Milne

sorry to hear about that. accepting the inevitable is the mature response, kudos, move on. Wishing you all the success for the future.

Pat Savage

Sorry to hear this I too have split up after six long years with a bi-polar girl it's a tough row so stay strong :)


James -- what a strange choice of venue for your venting! So I have to ask re: your headline -- why did you cancel the flashmob? Seems like you could have flashmobbed your breakup instead? Also, am I naive to wonder why the 5 year marriage had infidelity? When you say she never saw you, I wonder if you may have lacked insight into her as well? Lastly -- I chuckled when you said, "She doesn't have a profile on here, so it's ok." She may not, but the world (and the 'net) is a smaller place than you might think -- things have a tendency to get around. Wish you future successes as well!

James Holzrichter

A flash mob for the divorce proceeding WHAT A WONDERFUL IDEA!!!! lol to be followed by a real bachelor's party... :)

Robert LaMontagne

sorry to hear that hope it gets better for you but we could flash mob at the court house after the divorce is final.

Lauran Childs

Sorry to hear about that, I hope you heal quickly and find someone better in the future!

Karrie Noble

Oh my goodness, James, I'm so sorry to read this. I, myself, have bipolar, and will readily admit that at times things are hard--for everyone involved. You are amazing for being able to share your heart, your honest feelings here. Keep your heart and mind open. One step at a time, go forward, my friend.

Armando Alejandro

One thing I love about America is the availability of a lot of single Women looking for successful men. You have a lot of options. I suggest you take advantage of it. Like Elvis Presley once said, 'Why buy the cow when you can steal the milk through the fence!'

James Holzrichter

All of you are Wonderful!! @Rekz :) I think I finally have an answer for the, "I wonder if you didn't see her" Question. I think the problem was I could see right through her and see exactly why she would do the things she did. That probably freaked her out a little. And it might have made her think that she didn't have control. Which of course made her lash out even more, thinking that would be the way to gain control over something in her life. The bipolar part was actually easy to deal with, the personality issues from her childhood, not so much. This is why people need to treat their children well. Because in their future some poor person who had nothing to do with it is going to be a safe place for them to take out everything that happened to them. Leaving them a smoldering pile of, "WTF just happened?" :) Love to all of you <3

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