Anything Goes : Let me help with your production - free help. by Brad Michael

Brad Michael

Let me help with your production - free help.

Hi folks - I'm an FBI agent in New Mexico, shuffling towards retirement. I'd like to be a technical advisor to film and TV productions here in NM. Since I'm still a Bureau employee I can't have secondary employment, but I can volunteer to help with projects. I'd do this for the experience, to make contacts, and just for the fun of helping with a project. I can provide advice on police procedures, uniforms, equipment, evidence collection, hostage negotiations, and pretty much anything law enforcement related. I'm also a police historian - so I can help you get the details correct for period pieces. If you're in NM, I can teach your actors how to handle guns and other police equipment. If I can help, please email me at, or contact me here. If you're on Linkedin, you can also check out my profile there. Thanks

Deanna Rashell

I could use that on my new web series, once we go into ep4 I'd love to get info from you, the FBI is the main group in the investigation.

Brad Michael

I'd love to help - just let me know what you need.

Kris Polson

Brad, I have a screenplay idea that I have had bouncing around in my head. I need to get more of it down on paper, and that will most likely be sometime next year. When I do, I would really like to involve you at that time to make certain I am getting Federal Agency standards correct. I have others helping on the Police side (Oakland PD which is where I have it set in). Good to have you as a contact!

Padma Narayanaswamy

Brad it is nice to know an FBI agent .

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