Introduce Yourself : "WOMEN WHO BELONG TO BOOK CLUBS to star in their own reality show from a top television production company! by Marylin Hebert

Marylin Hebert

"WOMEN WHO BELONG TO BOOK CLUBS to star in their own reality show from a top television production company!

Forming a Womens Book Club in LA to pitch group to Reality Show. If interested let me know. Thanks. I need a book club group in LA. Writers, illustrators & book fans who would participate to be part of a TV show that let's you know you write (or talent) plus you love books. "WOMEN WHO BELONG TO BOOK CLUBS to star in their own reality show from a top television production company! Please message me at 1 easy spot on FB: Film Casting & Job Board Los Angeles.I am pitching our book club group you may join for more fans/exposure for you book. Leave a reply to post for casting: It will be fun and give huge exposure for our books. I have to get responses at Facebook in 1 place to organize the TV show pitch. Let's do this!!! * Do you and your girlfriends escape into 50 Shades of Grey? Ghost Stories! Vampires! Monsters. Werewolf's. Zombies. YA, Children, Fantasy, Cooking, Baking, Photography, Bridal, etc. * Are you part of a sassy book club where nothing is off limits? * Do you love to gossip about the latest chapter of your sultry novel? I would need you to be in a book club in Los Angeles. You must already live here. leave message with your email, phone and contact. Thanks. Yes it will be paid. Reality the new way to promote & get exposure. All reality shows have best selling books. Need girl group. Might be able to sneak in some guys :) LA only. Be sure to include: 1. Your name (first and last) 2. Contact phone number 3. City/State where you live 4. Briefly describe your book club, and why you'd be great for this show 5. Recent photo(s) of you (jpg format please) Any other girls or Moms we can get to make our group? This is for a casting opportunity for a major TV production company. Please leave on FB page so I have 1 spot to talk to group. First come first serve.

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