Distribution : Searching for a distributor for a completed film - any suggestions????? by Neil Golin

Neil Golin

Searching for a distributor for a completed film - any suggestions?????

HELP? SHARE WITH YOUR FRIENDS! LAUGH AT HILARIOUS FILM CLIPS! The comedy feature film RUN STINKY RUN is ready for distribution. We’ve launched a Kickstarter campaign to raise the modest funds we need to do the Film Festival circuit so we can attract a distributor capable of getting the film into theaters. There are hysterical film clips at the Kickstarter site, so click on this link and start laughing: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1481096300/run-stinky-run-chasing-fi... RUN STINKY RUN was filmed entirely in Florida (USA) with a local cast and crew. Of our 55 speaking roles, only 9 were done by SAG members, but everyone in the cast got paid at least the SAG minimum. And, amazingly, they got paid the same day they worked. So, although “liking” us is terrific and appreciated, we would much prefer you also help out by sharing this link with your Facebook and Twitter friends so we can spread the word. Please help us achieve something beneficial for talented but struggling actors by helping RUN STINKY RUN run even faster.

Mark Ratering

Can help out in India and Middle East. Small fee up front. mrateringg@hotmail.com

Matthew C. Martino

Hello I can help with distribution for UK/EU ... Free service , please message me for further information - matthewmartino@tech-center.com

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