Acting : Odd question but! by Erica Lee Babcock

Erica Lee Babcock

Odd question but!

I don't wear make-up. But I can't think of an actress who doesn't. Is this a problem? Should I start learning how to paint my face?

Mark Souza

I think on set you won't have to worry about it, they'll have make-up artists. But... you should look your best for auditions, so yeah, it's a skill you should hone.

Rhonda Merrick

I don't generally wear make-up either, because it felt like a barrier between me and my children when they were little. I didn't want to get lipstick or foundation on their skin. But Ispend time everyday plucking/scrubbing and moisturising for that 'natural' look. :0) If you don't particularly care for make-up, then go very light on it. I read that even super-models don't wear much make-up when they're not working or auditioning. They like to let the skin breathe.

Erica Lee Babcock

I hate foundation. It makes me break out. If I were to use foundation, does anyone know of any that are (actually) less harmful to the skin? And thanks for the feed back guys. :-)

Mark Altman

For what it's worth, I have never seen a normal, healthy woman who looks better with make-up than without it.

Amber Glasgow

Have you tried mineral powder instead of foundation? Bare Minerals is really good, but a little on the price-y side. Cover Girl makes a decent mineral powder that's nicer on the wallet. I really like it because it's very light and doesn't smear. I hate using foundation as well and even the lightest formulas feel gross.

Erica Lee Babcock

I will try it. Thank you all for your insight. It's deeply appreciated.

Erica Lee Babcock

Do you know of any good tinted moisturizer?

Katie Young

I've gone through phases of wearing makeup and not wearing it. I found a moisturizer that works wonders, and since I started using it I haven't needed any makeup. It's Clean & Clear dual action moisturizer, and it fights acne as well as moisturizing. I've used it for almost a week and even the blackheads on my nose (which I'd stopped fighting) are disappearing. I also got an exfoliating scrub pad that I use in the shower, and that's made a difference on my skin in general. I still use a little eyeshadow, eyeliner, and mascara to highlight my eyes -- it makes me look more awake when I didn't get enough sleep the night before. Use whatever you think makes you look good! :)

Erica Lee Babcock

What I've been doing, is using Benzyl Peroxide, clean and clear face mask once or twice a week and then using a normal Nuetrogena face wash every morning. And if I do wear make-up I use a Neutrogena make-up remover. And I usually only put makeup on my eyes and lips. I've always hated concealer because I feel like a clown when I wear it. Maybe I just haven't found the right one yet. concealer doesn't seem to conceal itself very well...

Alex Spears

Hey, Erica! Not an odd question at all. The short answer is, "No". You don't need to learn to how to paint your face because a makeup artist will do it for you if, when and how it's needed.

Erica Lee Babcock

I got some stuff today and I'll do some experimenting. Thank you everyone!

David Wood

Alex i am sorry thats not the right answer , having been in Hollywood for 30 years now , until the actor or model or singer or ?, is hired they do need to know how to be the best at their audition which is preparation , makeup , hair, head shots, training, etc. Once they/ we hire them which is about 5% of all talent in the industry they they are taken care of with makeup /wardrobe/contarct/$$ , guys no matter if your a actor /director/writer/model/? how you market yourself/ brand yourself is the the second most important thing. The first is relationships , just like God of the Bible has said, love God and love people. David Wood

Jaime Soria

I'm not a huge fan of make-up either. I keep mine very simple, and like to let my skin breathe when not working or auditioning, but make sure you use a moisturizer with SPF in it. It's good to protect your skin when outdoors!

Randall Roffe

Ha, at least your not a bald one like me! I hate it when they have to layer powder on top of my head. And nowadays they even put lipstick on men

Randall Roffe

the director would say, "He looks like a lightbulb! Dust him good and thick!"

Shondra Marie

You do need to know how. I'd recommend taking a high-definition make-up workshop for camera (if they have one in your area). Many times they tell you to arrive "hair and make-up ready" - plus, you need to know how to apply it for a "natural" look. Having done done stage for over 30 years, I rarely wear make-up unless it's for a show, a film, an audition, or film class (when I'm put on-camera). I rarely wear any make-up at all otherwise - even to work or church. When I do wear make-up, I practice using the techniques I learned in the workshop.

Erica Lee Babcock

I remember taking drama class in high school and putting make-up on my boyfriend at the time. That was fun. haha

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