Screenwriting : Good Ideas by Christopher Iuliano

Christopher Iuliano

Good Ideas

So I have a bunch of (what I think) are really good ideas for movies and tv shows. Coming up with storylines is pretty easy for me. Where the problem lies is in the actual writing of the scripts. I am not very good at character development and am awful at describing action (describing a characters facial expression, is an example). I can outline all the plot points, its just fleshing out the characters and such that I think would make it very hard for me to ever sell a script. I don't think I can write one on a professional level because of this. Is there a job out there for people to just come up with ideas?

Kira George

I am not too sure about this either. Maybe outlining the characters, writing a rough script and have someone work with you to get it tight.

Beth Fox Heisinger

Hey Christopher, the best thing to do is read tons of scripts! Seek out scripts/films that are similar to your story ideas. Study them. It is incredibly helpful to see how a great action scene, for example, looks on paper. Descriptions should always be terse and vivid. :)

Christopher Iuliano

cool site. thanks

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