Introduce Yourself : Greetings to the masses! by Amber Glasgow

Amber Glasgow

Greetings to the masses!

Hello everybody! My name is Amber, I'm 25, and I have just recently finished my 2 year training at The Meisner Technique Studio here in San Francisco. I've been involved in theatre since I was 14 and I've been performing since I was 9 when I took up tap. I would love to meet fellow actors, writers, and directors and start getting my feet wet. Who's ready to play?!

Monica Surrena

Congrats, Amber!

Eryckat Galaviz

Hi Amber :0

Pat Savage

Congrats, Amber!

Richard "RB" Botto

Welcome to the community, Amber! You and your talents are most welcome around these parts! Love the positive energy!

Sizt Elilo

All the luck and best (Y)

Gary Craig

Amber, you've come to the right place!

Mikael Roth

I am also a passionate actor. I have act since I was 10 years old and I will never ever stop. :) I wish I lived in USA too :)

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