Composing : '12 Showreel by ilias pantoleon

ilias pantoleon

'12 Showreel

Hi everybody! This is my '12 showreel with music i've done for various film related projects. Give it a look!

Gilles Omont

real god job

ilias pantoleon

thanks guys! Ryan, SW for what? composing? recording/mixing? There are no midi tracks in these works.

ilias pantoleon

something is up w this interface. anyway, i already posted an answer! the DAW i use is Logic, and some of the works are produced by myself and some by regards, i

Eric Stacey

Not being a composer myself, I am always in awe of someone who can put together a score that works, especially for a piece like this which has only whimsy as its core.

ilias pantoleon

very flattered, Eric.

Julian Nabunya

i liked what i hard , i wish you the best of luck , is this music coming from southern America ? @ llias

ilias pantoleon

Thanks Julian! Nope, I am from Greece.

Dale Sumner

Hi Ilias, as much as it pains me to say this, as a composer to another composer, your work is extremely good and very original. Agh! You are now an enemy! (only kidding!) Seriously though, I don't often give credit to other composers in public (for obvious reasons!) but you do have a real talent for writing to picture. Good luck with your career... Dale,

Debbie Elicksen

Great job. :)

Gilles Omont

i use logic too...really good DAW

ilias pantoleon

@Dale: thank you so much! i'm flattered. i hope everything turns out well for the lot of us, what with the royalty free libraries and such being dirt cheap... that's kind of our biggest enemy in the industry right now.

Julian Nabunya

@ llias , thanks for response

Dale Sumner

Hiya Ilias, you are very welcome: credit where credit is due! I have also looked at your website and bookmarked it. If you ever want or need to collaborate on a project I'd be interested....take care and keep up that writing! Dale.

Dale Sumner

Oh and I agree about your comments regards dirt cheap music libraries - although like the saying goes - 'you only get what you pay for' and I have yet to hear a dirt cheap library track that was any good for anything (watch out - I might have started a fight with that comment!)

Erick Hayden

I love your style. The first couple pieces are just priceless. So charming, adorable and inviting. Also love the Flight at the Museum. :)

ilias pantoleon

many thanks, Erick!

Meir Sabbah

Wow, just wow!

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