Introduce Yourself : Video editor/producer by Christopher Hill

Christopher Hill

Video editor/producer

Hello all, my name is Chris, I am a video editor at a Private investigation firm in Sacramento. I love to produce/edit/shoot personal works, I have been feeling the need to do something fun, or just make something, looking for fellow collaborators in the area. I do a lot of extra curricular activities, I love to bike, run, autocross, video games, movies.....if its fun I am up for it. Hope to meet some cool people with similar passions.

Susan Friel-Williams

Hi Christopher! My name is Susan and I am the CEO of a PI firm in Florida. We specialize in Family Search and Reunion. Nice to see you! Susan

Christopher Hill

can you find my birth parent, true story :D thanks, nice to see you too.

Susan Friel-Williams

If you are a California adoptee, probably :) I am too BTW.

Kevin P Manning

Susan that must be such fulfilling work. That is too cool!

Susan Friel-Williams

Thanks Kevin :)

Christopher Hill

well long story short, I was adopted at day zero of my life in Canada, so maybe that is out of your jurisdiction.

Susan Friel-Williams

Which Province Christopher, some are open now.

Christopher Hill

Ontario :D

Susan Friel-Williams

Here you go,check it out and good luck :)

Christopher Hill

woah. thank you! ill go look

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