Introduce Yourself : Janet Langer - Choreographer by Janet Langer

Janet Langer

Janet Langer - Choreographer

Hi Everyone! I'm Janet Langer, a Choreographer and Dancer in Los Angeles. I've done creative work for Stage, TV, Short Films, Music Videos, Concert Tours and have traveled around the world teaching. I absolutely love working with an inspiring, like-minded team and look forward to contributing to more Feature Film and TV projects! Please check out my latest video which is a dedication to a musician I greatly respect: I have many more videos on my website as well: Thanks so much and look forward to connecting! -Janet

Richard "RB" Botto

Great vid, Janet! Welcome!!

Hugo S Rosas Rello


Sizt Elilo

Welcome to Stage32. All the luck and best Janet (Y)

Tom Paini

Really good!..... Well done!.. My congratulations to all the girls involved.. Bloody good dancers..

Sabenita - Montreal Canada

Love it Janet!!!!

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