Introduce Yourself : Actor - Impersonator - Shapeshifter by Cela Yildiz

Actor - Impersonator - Shapeshifter

"I'm an actor, impersonator, a true shapeshifter. I'll bring old and new characters alive. " This is who I am, what I do. Watch my newest Show-reel !

Lin Wilkes-Flores "Elle Jaye"

Nice to meet you Cela. You know I think I need stronger glasses. I read your name then I read underneath that you were an actor, impersonator and then I thought it said shoplifter. Now that is funny. Glad I looked back at that. Do you do comedy?

Cela Yildiz

That's funny, should I bring the glasses along? I love to play Charlie Chaplin, probably the best known comedy legend of all time. Like he said: "It takes courage to make a fool of yourself." What did you had in mind?

Lin Wilkes-Flores "Elle Jaye"

Sure bring the glasses along, but make sure they are shot glasses. lol Where are you located?

Cela Yildiz

How about a bottle of Absinthe to fill those glasses? I live in Belgium, heart of Europe

Lin Wilkes-Flores "Elle Jaye"

Ok let's have a toast. Belgium is one of the places I have to visit on my bucket list.

Cela Yildiz

Are you working on any project now? How is the novel going?

Lin Wilkes-Flores "Elle Jaye"

The novel is going really well Cela. It is hysterical. As far as projects, last week I was part of a sitcom pilot filming in Pennsylvania. I played one of the main characters and one of the only women. I was really fun. Hope it gets picked up.

Cela Yildiz

Sounds like fun ! :-) Does any of these characters fit in your novel?

Moniece Robinson

Nice Reel!

Cela Yildiz

Thank you Moniece.

Leo Sopicki

Awesome reel. Me, 231. Only 34.7 percent evil (rounding up).

Lin Wilkes-Flores "Elle Jaye"

No the sitcom was not based on my characters or novel. Someone else wrote it.

Lin Wilkes-Flores "Elle Jaye"

Wow Cela saw your reel. Besides Charlie Chaplin being my favorite, you really make an evil villain come alive. That is a talent and amazing. Great reel.

Cela Yildiz

Thank you. It's really a wonderful feeling to play/become Charlie Chaplin, the joy of making people instantly smile. And 3 3 3 is for ... keeping the balance :-) Leo, 34.7 is not quite evil,but it sure is a good Bad!

Lin Wilkes-Flores "Elle Jaye"

You are quite an actor, very talented indeed. I would cast you in heart beat. Keep up the good work.

Cela Yildiz

Those are really kind words. You just made my day ! :-)

Lin Wilkes-Flores "Elle Jaye"

My pleasure Cela.

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