Since I've moved away from the Chicago Land area to Northern Virginia, let me re-introduce myself. Still using my real name, Mary Ellen Gavin, I work as a book editor/script consultant. I have the pleasure of being one of the judges for and their worldwide small press annual contests that are a showcase for new writers. This year, I was tapped by ABC Studios to sit on their Advisory Board to be informed on what they are working on and make comment on their productions which are typically outstanding. I will be gathering writers together here in the Fall and welcome anyone eager to enjoy the company of writers...let's face it, it gets lonely sitting at our desks all alone. MEg
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I'd be interested to know more about the and their worldwide small press contests...
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Hi Lee, if you have self-pub or were published by a small press? You or your pub can enter your book. Check out We just finished this year's contest. Contests are the best way to get your book noticed by either the judges or those in the biz reviewing the winners' titles. Not that we write to win contests--we write because we cannot help ourselves. hee hee If you want to contact me direct for more MEg