Introduce Yourself : Indie film writer/producer/director from Ohio by Evie Marie Warner

Evie Marie Warner

Indie film writer/producer/director from Ohio

HI. My name is Evie Marie Warner. I am currently shooting in film in the Dayton area called Awakening. It used to be called Amy. We hope to finish shooting in a month!

Michael R King

Good luck with the rest of your shoot.

Erick Hayden

Best wishes with your shoot! What's the film about?

Janet Caulfield

Best of luck to you Evie!

Mark Fisher

Best of luck as well Evie!

Pamela McCarthy

Good luck to you Evie! Can't wait to hear more about it!

Kira George

Best wishes!

Evie Marie Warner

Thanks. I hope you will consider supporting in the near future!

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