Introduce Yourself : I MADE IT, So, Hello! by Karla Moxley

Karla Moxley

I MADE IT, So, Hello!

I'm Karla a Ukulele-Player, Singer, Guitarist, Musician in Los Angeles. Whether for VOICE OVER projects, or ORIGINAL MUSIC, I'm looking forward to great collaborations!

Tiffy Diamond

Great video and beautiful voice! Will definitely keep you in mind for collaborations in regards to music for projects. Keep up the wonderful work!

Mario Lagsbartt

Yes very nice, i would like toi stay in touch i'a a video and music producer in San Diego Tjuana doing a lot of proyects for social causes and always looking for colaboratios/

Tommi Trudeau-Street

HooRAY!! Why haven't I seen this video?

Pat Savage


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