Distribution : Hollywood studios owed millions by China by Andrew Heard

Andrew Heard

Hollywood studios owed millions by China

Randall Roffe

and why should China be treated differently than any other country?

Andrew Heard

Because their government is not as open and easy to deal with as many others.

Randall Roffe

Well, my point is, why doesn't the film industry hire enforcers to work with the local law enforcement to track down the royalties and residuals and rentals? Needs to be done here in Ukraine too. Huge amount of pirated CDs. On the film projects I am in pre-pro on here, we don't need much in the way of security men at shoots, and permits are not required unless you stop traffic or use guns... but you really do have to have your enforcers to go around and collect your crop

Andrew Heard

Because this is not individuals who are a problem, it's the Chinese government itself. They are collecting the money from theaters and stuff but they aren't giving it to the American studios. The Chinese also won't allow outside law enforcement or outside people getting involved.

Vasco Phillip de Sousa

Hey, that's how studios often treat producers, they create loopholes in contracts and create all kinds of expenses so the profit is "zero." The studios probably just didn't read all the fine print in Chinese.

Tristan James Jensen

And why was the Red Dawn remake edited so that it could preform well in the Chinese market?

Caryn McCann

Hi Andrew, I'm starting a China - Hollywood Co-Pro Writers and Producers meet up in Redondo Beach. Our first meeting is tomorrow. I hope you can attend. If you know anyone who might be interested - please pass along our new group information. Cheers, Caryn http://bit.ly/1o2ICuE

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