Anything Goes : Breaking Bad! Let's discuss! by Richard "RB" Botto

Richard "RB" Botto

Breaking Bad! Let's discuss!

Let this serve as the forum for the final season. How will it end? Who survives? Will Walt get his? Will Jesse ever break free? Will Junior eat lunch instead of breakfast? Will Marie wear any other color besides purple? Discuss!

Henry Rivers

Very Addictive Series, Great Writing, Excellent Editing, I thought it would End, when Walt would wake up from Chemo-Therapy Treatment and this was all a Dream and Wishful thinking in Walt's mind. but if its not a dream Skyler should be killed for being an ungrateful Whore, and for the rest of his Family should die in air plane crash trying to escape the Cartel. The Series is really carried on The SHOULDERS of Bryan Cranston & AAron Paul with help from Bob Odenkirk - Saul Goodman, Jonathan Banks -Mike, David Costabile - Gale, Christopher Cousins-Ted ( The Rest of The Cast ) was just to fill out the 40 Minutes. Hope they Kill that Whore Skyler, that worthless piece of left over dog waste from a sick Pig...

Richard "RB" Botto

Wow...Some real Skyler hate there, Henry! You'll be happy to know that one of the theories floating around the interwebs doesn't have her storyline ending well. Time will tell!

Richard "RB" Botto

A couple of Breaking Bad articles to get you ready for the final season. First - What we know so far (spoiler free)

Richard "RB" Botto

Second, a little look back - Breaking Bad's 20 Most Shocking Deaths

Gary Craig

Now you're talkin about my favorite show. Anna Gunn who plays Skyler White on the show let a little bit of the cat out of the bag. She was interviewed a few days ago, and the intetviewer asked if there might be a "Breaking Bad" feature film in the future. Anna said that they've been approached but no decision has been made. Well....if "they" all were approached, wouldn't that mean that "they" survived in the end? Hmmmmmm

Richard "RB" Botto

Perhaps a sly misdirect, Gary? Not sure how you could end the run without some kind of closure. Don't anticipate them going the ambiguous Soprano's route...Then again...

Henry Rivers

RB- Walt is dying of Lung Cancer, and his only focus is to financially secure their future, Walt even work at a car wash, I wouldn't wash someone else car even at gun point *F..K that... Skyler's answer to the family's money problems was to visit Ted supposedly to get her old job back, giving the audience the impression that she's great woman, a family woman, A Woman that any Man would be proud have, the Audience starts to cry, believing this harlot that she's going to carry her load of the family responsibilities but the truth is Skyler really return to her old job to get some WOOD and take Ted's LOAD DEEP, the scene reveal itself, by Skyler standing in Ted's office like a 3 dollar Hooker her body language screams this out. Then Skyler decides to carry on this affair, like a paperboy on his paper route, Daily. To add insult to a chain saw wound, she throws Walt OUT of his own House, calls the police to remove him from the premise. For the next 8 episodes she gives Walt the cold shoulders, when he visited his children like he had something to do with Trayvon Martin being killed. After Skyler learns Walt has a bigger load than Ted's, she allows Walt to Crawl back Home, Helps Walt Pack over a Million Dollars in Cash and stores it in the basement, Force Walt to buy a Car Wash in 3 Car Town, Here is Where Walt Really gets KICK in the Nut'z Hard , Skyler decides to help "TED" Pay back Taxes of a Tune of 622 thousand dollars. The American T.V. Audience deserves some street justice, Skyler should be beaten with a 18 inche piece of water pipe till dead, then thrown down a long flight of concrete steps and set on fire with a half a gallon of gasoline, only half a gallon because gas in in New York is almost 5 dollars a gallon... oh shit the Yankees just won the game ! - gotta go !!!

Janet Caulfield

Can't wait to find out!

Richard "RB" Botto

You had me until the Yankee comment, Henry :)

Richard "RB" Botto

Man, that was some opening to the final act, huh? I'm still digesting. But, these two words keep ringing in my head: "Tread lightly".... What did everyone think??

Henry Rivers

RB- Yur Right about the Yankee's Remark, but there was no other way, to get a true reading of what I was saying about Skyler, was justified, you confirm my belief in that you never interrupt a good beat down of a person like Skyler, by announcing that the Yankee's Won,because in the mind of the Audience, you broken their trance and involvement in the scene, but it can work in a live situation, when pitching an investor on film project to see How involve or serious about what they been listening to Thanks for pointing that out ! .

Andrea Thompson

**SPOILER ALERT*** I love the season opener. Did you notice that in the first scene with Walt at the boarded up house, the neighbor dropped a bag of oranges? Nod to the Godfather perhaps? I'm still trying to figure out Todd's role in all of this. I can't seem to figure out where they are going to go with that character.

Richard "RB" Botto

Great catch, Andrea. Definitely a nod to the Godfather. The visit from the Madigral girl and the phone call Walt receives from Saul regarding Jesse had a bit of a Godfather III feel to it - A "just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in" kind of thing. I have no doubt Todd will not only be back, but play a significant role in how things play out.

Andrea Thompson

What's everyone's thoughts about Skylar going in to the end of the series? Lame duck or developing mastermind? Gotta hand it to her - she is business savvy....

Henry Rivers

Andrea, From my vantage point Skylar's a Dirt BAG,but more importantly she's UNGRATEFUL,cannot see how's she's business savy, "Where did she get the Money to be Business Savy ???, she was a book keeper, in a failing business, Walt committed his final day's to financially securing his families future, while Skyler slept around with Ted, and Threw Walt out of his own home, called the police on him, when he stop by to see his children,she threw violent tantrums. Every character in this series has a commitment and a set of values, devoted to respectively who they are, What did Skylar do except act as a speed bump, a Giant Pot Hole in the Middle of the Highway of Life, How intelligent can she be giving more than half of the drug money that Walt risk his life for to SECURE their Family's Future ??? just a few episode earlier she went begging friends for help, If Skyler loves Ted more than Walt, then Skyler should have taken all the money and given it to Ted, and BURN Walt down completely instead she was playing both sides of the Fence. If this is a Marriage between a Man and Woman, dealth due us part , then Walt needs to be able to Redress this betrayal either by excepting that he's just a John and Trick, or he needs Pop a Cap in her "Dome", at the very least but,if Walt's Passion is equal to his devotion to his family's well being, he needs to beat her with a twenty inche piece of water pipe till dead and wear a pair of steel toe boots to kick her in face till there aren't known dental records to I.D. her, and the EPISODES Ends with The Police Commissioner telling a reporter, all he know's the person that did this was really ANGRY and breaking bad...

Wendy Moore

Tread lightly was AWESOME! Hank needs to be taken down a step IMO. My guess is that Walt will end up going into remission again, but the cat will be out of the bag publicly (hence Heisenberg being spray painted all over the inside of his house and the neighbor's fear of him) and he'll be on the run (courtesy of the new identity from Saul's contact). My husband is convinced Skylar and the kids will be killed somehow, but I'm not sure. I think some sort of witness protection might put them safely out of Walt's reach if Skylar turns on him. Dying to see what happens. I hadn't watched the show before but got caught up over about a four-week period so now I'm used to binge watching it and it's hard to be patient (or FF through commercials!). I heard Saul might get a spin-off? Anyone know more about that?

Henry Rivers

Wendy, Your husband sounds like a GREAT MAN, with a profound sense of Justice,He knows the Right thing to do is send "SKYLER" back home, straight to Hell without an "Asbestos Suit "Unless this was Walt dreaming all this, while going through Chemo-Therapy, and was Breaking Bad with the DREAM...

Richard "RB" Botto

Hey Wendy. Great to have you in this conversation! Interesting theory about the cancer being in remission (at least when we see Walt after his 52nd b'day in the flash forwards). He does have a full head of hair after all. If this show has taught us one thing it's to expect the unexpected. Things are never quite what they seem on the surface.

Richard "RB" Botto

On a related note, here's an awesome interview with Dean Norris. He touches on that "tread lightly" scene (and much more)

Richard "RB" Botto

Absolutely, Jeffrey. I agree, it was a great interview. Really interesting. Loved how he got into the ins and outs of that final scene from the first episode.

Meir Sabbah

spoilers I still am not recovered over Gus' death. I still don't accept it and I'm still crying at nights :( Maybe he isn't really a two-face Harvey Dent style...Now, This is what I think: Walt quit Chemo because it knocks him out (hence he collapsed after Hank's punch) which is why his hair is back and will die any minute. (Anyone picked up on the little cough by the threashhold of his house? he's dying alright) As far as Skylar, Lydia will kill her in due time for giving her that attitude, And now Walt is gearing up for a scuicide mission to kill everyone left (not really scuicide because like I said, he's dying)...Gosh I have so much in my head, I'll stop now...

Richard "RB" Botto

Gus was an amazing character, impeccably acted by Giancarlo Esposito. An all timer. Interesting theories, Mike. I don't think Walt has quit chemo yet (as of the punch). We did see him in the chair earlier in the episodes. In the flash forwards, he's still popping pills which, of course, doesn't mean he's still getting his chemo treatments. I agree with you on Lydia. Think she's going to play a bigger role in bringing everything down, either on a personal level for Walt or a professional level for Heisenberg. Is it Sunday night yet?

Andrea Thompson

I hadn't heard about a Saul spinoff - that would be great. I do wonder if Skylar will turn. She cooked Benikees books, so I think there's a certain amount of shadiness in her. They took her character pretty dark with the pool/suicide attempt so I figure what does she have to lose? Mike - interesting thought about Lydia killing Skylar... tomorrow's episode can't come soon enough.

Richard "RB" Botto

The Saul spinoff, according to those in the know, is still in play...Think it would be a ton of fun.

Richard "RB" Botto

OK...Another killer episode. This one should have been called "Choosing Sides" or something along those lines. So, lines have been drawn in the sand. It's Hank and Marie on one side and Walt and Skylar on the other. Now the $64,000 question is, where will Jesse fall?

Meir Sabbah

More like: Hanks and Marie VS. Walt and skylar, VS. Jessy VS. Lydia

Meir Sabbah

Although my gut feel tells me that Jessy will team up with Lydia and start cooking again at 95%

Richard "RB" Botto

Lydia is certainly a wild card in all of this, no? I don't think she's going to line up with Jessie. I think Todd starts cooking or at least assists in the action. I think maybe the Czechs are the ones who stir up the big issues for Walt which will eventually lead to the heavy artillery he'll be carting around 6 months from now.

Meir Sabbah

I hear that. But Jessie will have to start acting up. He's been locked up in his cockoon for a while. His arc has a crazy side that has been asleep for too long and to my opinion will resurface shortly. Only question is, what form it will take...

Richard "RB" Botto

I feel ya, Mike. Torn between whether he'll crack and tell Hank everything or whether he'll crack the other way. But, I agree, he hasn't been given much to do these first two episodes. You know he'll get his day in the sun (or under the clouds).

Wendy Moore

I'm still impressed that everyone's tolerating Walt being 'out' so well. No threats or anything.

Ewen Munro

I think Walt's going to be forced into a situation where he kills Hank, or Jesse. Because we know he ages, he survives from his current cancer scare. But I think he has to do something bad, that makes him realize how far down the rabbit hole he's gone. And the only thing I can really think of is he kills someone he cares about, because if it's just as simple as him getting made then that'll be a bad end to the TV show. So, I think he has to do something very horrific.

Richard "RB" Botto

I agree with where you're going. Either he has done something bad or something horrific has happened to his family as a result of his refusal to go back to cooking. Sunday yet?

Brian Shell

Showdown at the storage with all the stacks of cash... buried by it... in a hazy cloud of his own recipe... then some kind of Sopranos POV fade to black quick cut... all with Ewen's context of realizing the layers of Dante's Inferno he's traveled down the rabbit hole.

Terence Rosemore

WOW! @Walters taped confession, don't know how I feel about Jesse putting two and two together to come to the conclusion that Walt was responsible for the kids poisoning....

Wendy Moore

The confession was brilliant! I love how manipulative Walt's character is. Hubby and I are growing very weary of Jesse, but I imagine a final blow up is required before the finale. A bit disappointing though, because I felt their hug was a really poignant scene.

Andrea Thompson

I loved how uncomfortable the tension was this week. They do the best job with the awkward no-dialogue scenes (the hug scene, the Mexican restaurant scene). The actors are just incredible.

Richard "RB" Botto

I was all in on the Jesse revelation. Clear that he knows Walt killed Mike. Finally at the point where he sees through his self-serving BS (desert scene). And, he had already assumed (back in Season 4) that Huell lifted the cigarettes. Just a matter of the subconscious pushing forward to the conscious. Another tremendous episode all around. The confession, which mirrored the very first scene in the pilot, was brilliant - although I believe easier to poke holes in than most. The restaurant scene...perfect. Now...Jesse pouring the gasoline...Where's Walt Jr...Have a feeling he gets his moment here... Only a few more hours!

Richard "RB" Botto

Still digesting this one. Definitely a "move the chess pieces around" kind of episode. Could Walt's ultimate undoing be his unwillingness to "deal" with Hank and Jesse? Interesting episode though...Skylar, Hank, Marie, Saul all suggesting or willing to accept murder as a means to an end.

Andrea Thompson

I was bored with the chess pieces moving in this episode. Also, how did Hank's partner find out about Jesse/Walt? They never showed that. I felt Marie's therapy scene was awkward and out of place. I understand that this was probably a lot of setup for the final episodes, but, man, as a stand alone episode I thought it was weak and has contrived plot points.

Richard "RB" Botto

More on the Rabid Dog ep from the writer, Sam Catlin - Good interview

Meir Sabbah

An actor is an actor. Now, when an actor can act that he is acting, boy that's some sick acting. Since the Breaking Bad debut, I am completely blown away with the character that Bryan protrays when he lies to his wife and kids. Now that we have become so close to him over the years, it's like "We can call his bluff" but only because we know him so well. He gets all ready to tell over his bullshit and spells it out all over hgis face. And the way that Skylar looks at him the second he starts to talk. "Ok, so I was going to the gas station and..." this episode was worth it just for that scene!

Andrea Thompson

Mike I agree- Cranston is amazing in this show. Who knew after Dr. Whatley and Malcom he had such great drama in him? I did like the gas station scene you mentioned... And was completely devastated when Walt Jr. said "you fainted didn't you?" Jr. is such a sweet soul. RB - thanks for the link to the article.

Richard "RB" Botto

Completely agree, Mike. Cranston (somehow) has found another level this year. Unbelievable work. Very welcome, Andrea!

Mark A. Bates

Does anyone know the time frame of the story? I saw somewhere that the full series from Walt's fall from grace to the end coming up is only about a year...doesn't seem like enough time to pack all the story lines in....

W. Paul Hughes

Breaking Bad is the greatest thing that ever hit television. WOW! It's very sad to think that such a masterpiece is ending. You can catch all of the Talking Bad episodes on Infinity. Jesse has Oscar caliber emotions; I'd cast him in a heartbeat. And will should I ever have a chance.

Andrea Thompson

Mark - I think it's over the course of 2 years (I could be wrong), but I think I remember Walt celebrating his birthday in the first season turning 50. In this final season he is at Denny's celebrating 52 (remember the scenes with the bacon?) W. Paul - I've never seen any of the Talking Bads... Are they good?

Mark A. Bates

Thanks Andrea.

Richard "RB" Botto

That's spot on, Andrea. Opens with Walt at 50. And the Season 5 flash forwards at the Denny's imply that he is celebrating his 52nd birthday. Since this IS Breaking Bad, I'll put an emphasis on "imply"...Ya never know.

Andrea Thompson

Don't know if any of you caught Aaron Paul's reddit interview last month, but it's pretty entertaining. Here's a recap you can click through:

Andrea Thompson

I hope I didn't offend anyone with that link I just posted - that's Jesse's "slang" with the curse word and that comes up in the Reddit interview. (But I guess if you're watching Breaking Bad and on this thread/discussion, I shouldn't be worried about offending you. But if so, I'm sorry.)

Richard "RB" Botto

You kiddin' me...Great share...

Meir Sabbah

There isn't a word that can explain how I feel right now, only this parable. I have a 5 year old son that loves Slush Puppies (true fact...not the rest though). Now after a long long winter, the summery sunny hot days finally arrive and I take him along to the nearest gas station. The whole way there I tell him how awesome the Slush is gonna be and how refreshing...then we walk into the store and we watch how the clerk presses down the lever...The colorful slush flows into the cup. My boy's eyes are round and dreamy; his drool slowly forms on his slightly open mouth. I take the cup. Give it to him. I watch how the world looks so beautiful in his eyes as the jumbo straw makes it to his mouth. He sucks in the slush. I see it rise slowly. The second a tiny drop makes it in his mouth, I take it away from him SLAM it in the garbage bin and walk out of the store with a (missing word) child. Now, if you can fill that blank with a word, that’s the word that describes my feeling right now. If I can track down Vince Gilligan, I would knock out 4 teeth right out of his mouth. Ending an episode like that should be ILLIGAL!!

Andrea Thompson

Mike - ha ha ha ha! I started reading your comment and I was thinking "where is he going with this? Did he post in the wrong section?" So funny! What a great post! I've read mixed feelings on the end of last night's episode. Some people hated it and thought it was a cop-out. I, personally, (and maybe in the minority) loved it. I thought the moment right before Walt gave himself up and the camera focused right on his face was some of the best non-verbal acting I've ever seen from an actor. I felt like in a series of 20 silent seconds we saw anger, distrust, panic, fear, love, loathe, disbelief and defeat in Walt's face. Then, when it came time to see Jesse's face we saw all the same from Aaron Paul. The acting from those two was just incredible. Will any of you geek-out with me for a second? We are about halfway through the year from when Walt turned 51. Human hair grows at 1/4-1/2 inch per month, so factor that in when we see Walt's long hair at the beginning of this season (when he's turning 52). Do you think the "52nd birthday Denny's scene" is really when he turns 52 or do you think it's Gilligan f*cking with us again and it's further off into the future? Because as of now (about 6 months after his 51st birthday) Walt still has the cancer so his hair can't grow that fast from the chemotherapy.

Wendy Moore

I liked last night's episode so much better than some of the others this season. It had so many levels of manipulation, and a ton of set-up/payoff, which all really kept me on my toes. The only predictable thing was Todd and crew showing up at the end, but hubby and I were practically frantic as every second passed and they weren't there yet. Best ending ever. We can't wait until next week. Out of curiosity, who's pro-Hank and who's pro-Walt?

Wendy Moore

For anyone having a finale party in a few weeks:

Andrea Thompson

Pro-Walt! Wendy - I made that cake for my friends birthday - they absolutely loved it! I'll see if I can find the picture and post it in my profile.

Deborah Roberts

I'm a Cake maker I have done 2 wedding cakes & loads of Birthdays & a Welsh cake called Barabrith Brith you use a Loaf Tin 2pounder, 1st thing you do is soak 4oz Raison & 4oz Sultanas in cold tea for 48 Hours or un till all the liquid had gone you need 2 large Egg,s 4oz of Plain flower tea spoon of Baking Powder. 1tlbs of cinnamon, Pinch of salt, Rich Golden Brown Sugar 4oz, grease proof paper to line the tin beat it all to gather add every thing in to the tin put a cover on the top just to stop burning make a well when so then the finial finish but put it in a well warm oven gas mark 4 or 250 for electric I use gas so not to sure on the electric. Keep it in until it looks done use a picker to go though the cake if nothing is none it then its done do this half way through cooking it takes no longer than a Christmas cake 2-3 hours if you wanted to change tea to wine red wine is nice or like the last time I made this Guinness for the full effect use tea you do not taste it at all, when its cooked cooled down cut into slices use butter with Jam or as USA say jelly, or custard or even more daring use whipped Cream the Choices are all different but very very Tasty. Well I wish you all good luck in this adventure

Meir Sabbah

Andrea, I totally agree with those facial expressions. Absolutely spectacular. Then again, these are the details that make this the best show on television. It's the massive amounts of engenious details compiled into one masterpiece. You are bound to get something huge, and we are living it as we speak.

Andrea Thompson

I love Saul - he's hilarious! Now we can keep our discussion going after Breaking Bad ends :)

Richard "RB" Botto

Another terrific episode. A testament to the amazing writing, filming (particularly in this episode), and the acting that you pretty much could see the last 10-15 minutes coming from a mile away (the Neo-Nazi clan showing up) and yet it was still a white knuckle experience. A couple of thoughts...They used every television writing trope under the sun with Hank at the end - getting his man, his partner giving him the accolades he so yearned for, the "I love you" call with Marie - that I almost think he is not going to die. This show always leads you one way and then pulls you in the other direction. I wouldn't be shocked to (somehow) see Hank survive. Before the 2nd half of this season started, I was certain we would see Walt and Jesse cooking together one more time. After the episode two weeks ago, I had given up on that idea. Now, I'm thinking that might just happen, albeit against their will. We'll see! Been a fantastic ride thus far.

Richard "RB" Botto

Man alive, what an episode. One of the most uncomfortable, riveting hours of television you'll ever see. When SPOILER ALERT what happens to Hank is about the 4th or 5th most heartbreaking thing, you know you're watching something special. The writers are taking this thing exactly where it needs (deserves) to go. They're burning down the house. Everything that is happening - to each character, but especially Walt - is well earned. That's what made his phone call to Skylar so poignant. Could it go any other way? Simply shaping up as one of the best final seasons in history. Can't wait for this week.

Shanika Freeman

I've never watched Breaking Bad. Something tells me I should get on board.

Richard "RB" Botto

Oh man, Shanika. Get on board.

Crystal Smith-Connelly

The last few episodes have been so intense I can barely handle blood pressure was way up after last week's show! I really hope that Jesse survives, and if Todd is still alive at the end of the series, I won't be happy about it...that sociopath needs to go! After last week's episode, I started writing a short play inspired by Breaking Bad, and I'm having fun with it (it's a comedy); also my husband and I are dressing up as Walt and Jesse for Halloween, and I found a "Yeah, bitch...magnets!" t-shirt on Ebay, which I can't wait to wear with my costume. : )

Hayward Crawford

Ozymandius episode was a game changer, can you believe the last 2 episodes of the series will be 75 mins each, I think it was confirmed by one of the execs or writers. Also, if you've been on these last 8 episodes , you probably remember the haunting flash forward at the beginning of Blood Money where a very alive and different appearance Walt goes back to his old house which dilapidated and abandoned, god knows what happened. Since last episode ended with Walt leaving to start a new life, I think these last episodes pick up with Walt's new life in New Hampshire (aka Granite State, the state's nickname and title of next episode) either way I think there is a time jump. For those of you that watch Talking Bad, the only hint we got from Vince Gilligan (its a shame AMC tortures us with no snippets not even a photo for us to look at for next week) but Vince tells us ''Walter gets a new pair of glasses'' I predict the same ones we saw in the flash forwards in New Hampshire diner and in Walt's break in scene. I believe these last 2 episodes will be a significant time jump through the initial aftermath & Walt's unfinished business in ABQ.

Andrea Thompson

Crystal - that's awesome that BB inspired you to write a short! Can't wait to see where you go with it! Hayward - what did you think of yesterday's episode? You were right with the flash back/flash forward. I was so blown away by last weeks episode. it was brilliant on all levels. Walt's call yo Skylar was heartbreaking to watch. The internal struggle he was having was amazing acting at it's finest. Fast forward to this week's episode and Walt in the wilderness was saddening and maddening all in one. I was pleased to see Grey matter come back up. Looking forward to the finale.... Will be so sad.

Hayward Crawford

Couldn't agree more Andrea, Granite State episode did help flesh out a lot and setup what should be a historic finale. I honestly can't predict what would happen, or who is going to kill Walt or if he dies at all. BB lets us know that anything can happen. All I know is I am really going to miss this show when it ends. I don't know what else to say lol

L.A. Eide

I write a blog at HTTP:// that show the principles from my book -- HTTP:// -- apply to Walter White's character arc.

Hayward Crawford

What a finale. RIP 2008-2013

Crystal Smith-Connelly

That was amazing and ended exactly the way I hoped it would...and Jesse made me so proud! : )

Meir Sabbah

SpoilersLooking back to the top of this post, about two months ago I wrote: "And now Walt is gearing up for a scuicide mission to kill everyone left (not really scuicide because like I said, he's dying)..." The worst part about this all is that I dougbt anything will be able to replace this show. It's just as rare as the meth it produced...Maybe that was the point.

Andrea Thompson

Mike - alright, spill the called really were a writer for the show weren't you? ;) I loved the finale. Some say it was just too clean of a wrap up. I was in the camp that thought it was perfect. Walt and Skylar's last scene was gut wrenching, exhilarating and relieving all at the same time. "I did this for me. I felt alive." Incredible acting. Same with the final Walt/Jesse scene - "I want this." "Then do it yourself" - ah! Brilliant! I loved the visual of Walt in the lab at the end, holding the mask, then the blood on the meth cooker, then him on the floor. God, I'm going to miss this show. Sad, sad goodbye to one if the best shows ever on television.

Meir Sabbah

Me? a writer? I wish!!! Or more like I wished. A long lost dream that can never be realized. And I am deffinately in the same camp. The money had to get to Junior, Walt had to die and Jessie had to be freed. Intersting though that the scars faded completely by the carpentry scene. I would of preffered to see some faint traces. And just like Splenda will never be sugar, but when there is no sugar, you use Splenda; let's hope that the Saul spinoff will do some good to our starving Badness. Hey RB! where do you stand on all of this!?

Terence Rosemore

The carpentry scene was a day dream I think.

Meir Sabbah

I thought of that at first but then felt more of a flash forward after re-seeing it a few times.

Brian Shell

Wow, just caught 70% of the Breaking Bad Marathon episodes... as a writer, I was blown away. It echoes: "Enter late, leave early" as well as the most powerful dialogue is none at all... say it with Conflict... saying so much more with so much less... I feel I was just schooled in Advanced Story Structure and Character-Driven plot Development... kudos and Namaste

Terence Rosemore

My sentiments exactly Mr. Shell.

Andrea Thompson

I'm interested to see the carpentry scene again, too. I thought it was a daydream.

Andrea Thompson

Anyone on this Breaking Bad thread watch Boardwalk Empire? There's a discussion thread about it in the lounge. Since we won't have BB to discuss anymore, we can all move on to Boardwalk :)

Meir Sabbah

I felt the contrast of his smile and happiness as opposed to the next scene in the lab to be too drastic for a daydream. It was too genuine, too real, too...happy

L.A. Eide

I wrote a blog post for every "Bad" episode on As another blogger also noted, "Breaking Bad" is a modern-day take on the ancient Greek tragedy. Walter White is wonderful tragic figure, someone who turns into a monster but his ego shields him from how far he's sunken. And while Jesse Pinkman is no angel, at least he had the capacity to feel like shit for all the misery that Walter White-Jesse Pinkman Meth Inc. caused. I have compiled all my "bad" posts into a manuscript, "The 'Bad' Cure for any Addiction", and have queried several publishers. I may end up self publishing but I want to at least test the waters in the publishing world to see if there's any interest. Digital Book Today reprinted one of my posts at

L.A. Eide

Also, even though I bought into most of the wild, outlandish W.W. schemes like the thermite blowing the door off at the local warehouse and the battery-super magnet erasing the data Gus' hard drive, I thought the finale was implausible. There's no way the neo-Nazis are not going to search the trunk of W.W.'s car. Be that as it may, it's still one of the best series in the history of American TV.

Andrea Thompson

L.A. - that magnet scene was hilarious, you must admit. Talk about far-fetched, but I agree with you, I went with it and thought it was one of the best series ever.

L.A. Eide

This is a shameless example of self-promotion but honestly, I think I have put aside my ego-generated pride enough to say this with a straight face: my book idea, "The 'Bad' Cure for Any Addiction", is so good that I'm posting a link here where people can vote "yes" for the book idea. If the book receives 1,000 votes, SOOP (Something Or Other Publishing) will publish the book and help promote it. Go to to vote. I blogged about every "Bad" episode and how Walter White's actions reflect the inherent dangers of an egocentric mindset.

Kobi Epstein

found this fun article (from a writer perspective) breaking bad vs sopranos:

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