Screenwriting : Subtext... by Alyn Darnay

Alyn Darnay


(Alyn on Screenwriting) It's a shame that so many writers have no concept of the importance of Subtext to their screenplay. About 92% of all screenplays being touted around Hollywood today have almost no subtext and will probably never be sold because of it. Let me be clear on this, Subtext is the meaning beneath the text. That which is hidden but can be perceived by the viewer. It's the story within the story. That which endows your script with greater depth, keeps viewers connected to the material, and implies to the industry at large that your work is at a certain professional level. (Get a copy of my best selling Screenwriting book "The Script" at

Alyn Darnay

Instead of dumbing down your script why not try to make it more interesting, compelling, exciting, grab the viewer stronger and hold him all the way to the end. Better Idea.

Alyn Darnay

You're right about no one ever going broke underestimating the intelligence of the public, but Fact is stranger than fiction so your story already has strange and wondrous elements. I believe you need to find an interesting and different way of telling the story, unveiling the clues and facts of the tale, perhaps telling it from the point of view of an unexpected person. Also, there are 7 Billion 850 million people on the Earth, my thinking is that if you're interested in the story, then Millions and Millions of other people will be too. Just tell your story as best and interesting as you can and don't worry about how smart or dumb the script is.

Brian Keith Ellis

"Always have the subtext–that deeper force or context–that the reader discovers, even if the novelist doesn’t say it. Over reliance on descriptive talent, on language itself with nothing left unexpressed, unsaid, believing that the language itself is sufficient to draw the reader, is a fault that young writers have. As a result they write a glitter text devoid of subtext and I’m asleep."--Robert McKee (

Christopher Hart

Subtext, the truest of our voices. Greedy, corporate, undermining, lacks of artistic impression. They can't stop our true goal. They loathe our power, they hate our intention. Oh! we'll blow more shit up, oh yeah! You want more mindless babble, pretty people who have "close-up" careers. Ok, we'll give it, because we have a plan. The green undercooked signage that drives your lust, can't stop us. Subtext, I love it!

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